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Mandela Highway Upgrade 90% Complete

By: , March 19, 2019

The Key Point:

The Mandela Highway Realignment and Reconstruction project is just over 90 per cent complete, says Senior Communications Officer, National Works Agency (NWA), Ramona Lawson.
Mandela Highway Upgrade 90% Complete
Photo: Donald De La Haye
(FILE) Work in progress along a section of the Mandela Highway. This forms part of the US$64-million Mandela Highway Realignment and Reconstruction Project, which involves road construction works comprising extensive soft soil treatment, construction of a 3.5 km six-lane corridor, with a two-lane overpass bridge, two new three-lane bridges at Fresh River, a two-lane service road adjacent to the main roadway to facilitate the development of Caymanas Estate and upgrading of the Six Miles Interchange.

The Facts

  • In an interview with JIS News, Ms. Lawson said activities are now focused on pavement work, with several sections in the vicinity of the Six Miles Interchange asphalted recently.
  • She noted that the first lift of asphalt has been applied to the ramp on the west bound carriageway, which will be used to access the overhead bridge. She added that the Q-ramp on the opposite side has been prepared for asphalting.

The Full Story

The Mandela Highway Realignment and Reconstruction project is just over 90 per cent complete, says Senior Communications Officer, National Works Agency (NWA), Ramona Lawson.

In an interview with JIS News, Ms. Lawson said activities are now focused on pavement work, with several sections in the vicinity of the Six Miles Interchange asphalted recently.

She noted that the first lift of asphalt has been applied to the ramp on the west bound carriageway, which will be used to access the overhead bridge. She added that the Q-ramp on the opposite side has been prepared for asphalting.

“Both the west-bound and east-bound carriageways along Washington Boulevard up to Duhaney Drive will also be paved, so for the next week or so, activities on the project will concentrate on paving these areas,” she said.

The Mandela Highway, which has been widened to accommodate more lanes.


Meanwhile, Ms. Lawson pointed out that construction work on the second half of the box culvert near Six Miles is now complete, and works are ongoing to get the area up to base level and to prepare it for paving.

The Mandela Highway, which spans St. Andrew and St. Catherine, is a key thoroughfare in the nation’s road infrastructure, which serves to link Kingston and the northern, western and southern sections of Jamaica.

The US$64-million Mandela Highway Realignment and Reconstruction project involves road construction works comprising extensive soft soil treatment, construction of a 3.5-kilometre six-lane corridor with a two-lane overpass bridge, two new three-lane bridges at Fresh River, a two-lane service road adjacent to the main roadway to facilitate the development of Caymanas Estate, and upgrading of the Six Miles Interchange.

Work under way on a section of Mandela Highway. The project is being funded under the Major Infrastructure Development Programme (MIDP) and executed by China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC). The upgrade is about 90 per cent complete.


The development is part of the Government’s ongoing legacy projects being implemented by the NWA.

It represents a continuation of works to improve the island’s road network in order to enhance the quality of life of citizens and stimulate economic growth and development.

The project falls under the Major Infrastructure Development Programme (MIDP) and is being executed by China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC).

Last Updated: March 19, 2019

Jamaica Information Service