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MAJ Appeals to Fishers to Heed Hurricane Warnings

By: , July 2, 2024
MAJ Appeals to Fishers to Heed Hurricane Warnings
Photo: Contributed
Fishing boats at the White River Fishing Village.

The Full Story

The Maritime Authority of Jamaica (MAJ) is appealing to fishers and marine interests to take heed of all warnings pertaining to the passage of Hurricane Beryl, which is projected to impact the island on Wednesday July 3.

Director General, Bertrand Smith, told JIS News that it is imperative for operators of all seagoing vessels to take heed and prioritise safety.

“As we prepare for the impact of Hurricane Beryl, the Maritime Authority urges ships, fishers and seafarers in Jamaica’s coastal waters to exercise extreme caution and to follow the instructions given in the MAJ’s notice to mariners and other instructions given by the Harbour Master,” he said.

“The Authority requests that all necessary preparations be made for Hurricane Beryl and wishes everyone to stay calm and safe,” the Director General added.

Mr. Smith said all mariners are expected to take the hurricane warning issued by the Meteorological Service of Jamaica seriously, as the island is in the direct path of Hurricane Beryl.

Mr. Smith urges crew and operators of vessels that are offshore or in Jamaica’s coastal waters to exercise caution and stay as far as possible from the path of the powerful hurricane as it approaches the island.

The Director General also instructed the operators of vessels to avoid anchoring off the island’s coast.

The operators of fishing vessels and small crafts are also urged to find shelter in one of the island’s numerous coves or use a safe mooring.

Last Updated: July 2, 2024

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