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You Have Made us Proud Tessanne, Says PM

By: , December 18, 2013

The Key Point:

Jamaica is proud to congratulate Tessanne Chin on being the winner of the popular NBC programme ‘The Voice’.
You Have Made us Proud Tessanne, Says PM
Photo: JIS
Leader of the Opposition, The Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, O.N., M.P.

The Facts

  • "By being ‘The Voice’ you have joined the ranks of a long list of outstanding Jamaican achievers," says the PM.
  • "Jamaicans at home and in the Diaspora have played in helping you to achieve this signal honour," says the PM.

The Full Story

Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller says Jamaica is proud to congratulate Tessanne Chin on being the winner of the popular NBC programme ‘The Voice’.

“By being ‘The Voice’ you have joined the ranks of a long list of outstanding Jamaican achievers who have held the flag high internationally and confirm to the world that we are a nation of world beaters on the world class stage.”

“You have been a fine ambassador for Jamaica during this grueling competition and your voice; your victory will now serve to set the new standard for others to follow. We in Jamaica tonight feel a special pride that you are one of us and we look forward to celebrating with you in a larger and appropriate way on your return to the island.”

“I am aware of the significant role Jamaicans at home and in the Diaspora have played in helping you to achieve this signal honour with their love, support, affection and encouragement. This only goes to show what, as a people, Jamaicans can achieve when we put our hands and hearts together and pull together,” the Prime Minister said.

Last Updated: December 18, 2013

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