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KSAMC Approves Resolution to Assign Names for 16 Roads in Goldsmith Villa

By: , June 13, 2024
KSAMC Approves Resolution to Assign Names for 16 Roads in Goldsmith Villa
Photo: Michael Sloley
Councillor for the Papine Division, Darrington Ferguson, making his contribution to the resolution to name 16 roads in the community of Goldsmith Villa, August Town, during Tuesday’s (June 11) meeting of the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) at the Council’s chambers in downtown Kingston.
KSAMC Approves Resolution to Assign Names for 16 Roads in Goldsmith Villa
Photo: Michael Sloley
Deputy Mayor of Kingston, Senator Delroy Williams, makes his contribution to a resolution to name 16 roads in the community of Goldsmith Villa, August Town, during Tuesday’s (June 11) meeting of the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) at the Council’s chambers in downtown Kingston.

The Full Story

The Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), on Tuesday (June 11), approved a resolution to assign names to 16 roads in the community of Goldsmith Villa, August Town in the Papine Division, which previously had none.

The resolution, KSA/01/06/2024 which was piloted by Councillor for the Papine Division, Darrington Ferguson, indicated that the residents of Goldsmith Villa actively engaged in a collaborative process to identify and propose suitable names for the roadways.

Councillor Ferguson, who noted that the community has been in existence since 1976, said the renaming exercise is critical to the area’s continued development as well as the process of formalising the civic addresses of the residents.

“That is where I was brought up and it’s a pleasure for me… to present such a resolution; I must thank all those who started this movement,” he said during the KSAMC’s monthly meeting at the Council’s chambers in downtown Kingston.

Councillor for the Springfield Division, Lorraine Dobson, who seconded the resolution, said the naming of the roads is important for public safety, noting that this will serve to reduce unnecessary confusion and inconvenience for residents and visitors.

“The absence of formal names [for] these roads presents significant challenges to public safety in emergency situations,” she pointed out, adding that the inability to convey locations accurately and efficiently can lead to critical delays in response times.

Deputy Mayor of Kingston, Senator Delroy Williams, who supported the resolution, said he was impressed with the leadership displayed by the residents during the consultation phase.

He noted work undertaken by former Councillor, Venesha Phillips, and commended her on the role she played in the process, as also Councillor Ferguson for advancing the exercise.

In welcoming the resolution, Councillor for the Norbrook Division, Susan Senior, said it is timely and called for a bipartisan approach in the naming of roadways in communities “we do share”.

The resolution is to be sent to the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, Jamaica Constabulary Force, Social Development Commission, main utility providers and all other relevant agencies for their input.

Last Updated: June 13, 2024

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