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Justice Ministry Hosts Technology Conference

By: , February 27, 2020

The Key Point:

The Ministry of Justice, in partnership with the Court Administration Division (CAD), is hosting Jamaica’s first National Conference on Technology in the Justice Sector, from February 27 to 29, in Kingston.
Justice Ministry Hosts Technology Conference
Minister of Justice, Hon. Delroy Chuck.

The Facts

  • Themed ‘Roadmap to e-Justice: Enhancing Transparency, Effectiveness and Access to Justice’, the Conference is exploring current international trends in e-justice service delivery and how technology facilitates a more effective and efficient system.
  • Minister of Justice, Hon. Delroy Chuck, told JIS News that the event is a testament to the Ministry’s commitment to providing quality justice services to all Jamaicans.

The Full Story

The Ministry of Justice, in partnership with the Court Administration Division (CAD), is hosting Jamaica’s first National Conference on Technology in the Justice Sector, from February 27 to 29, in Kingston.

Themed ‘Roadmap to e-Justice: Enhancing Transparency, Effectiveness and Access to Justice’, the Conference is exploring current international trends in e-justice service delivery and how technology facilitates a more effective and efficient system.

Minister of Justice, Hon. Delroy Chuck, told JIS News that the event is a testament to the Ministry’s commitment to providing quality justice services to all Jamaicans.

“The continued use of technology in our Courts will improve efficiency and reduce backlog as well as help to improve how we do business as a country. This conference will allow us as practitioners and stakeholders to agree on the next steps for the development of a strategic framework for the further incorporation of digitalisation and technology in Jamaica’s justice system,” said Mr. Chuck.

In addition to the Minister, other speakers will include Chief Justice, Hon. Bryan Sykes; Head of the EU delegation to Jamaica, Ambassador Malgorzata Wasilewska, as well as international speakers from Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom (UK).

Discussions at the event will centre around building awareness of current and emerging information technology (IT) solutions to enhance the delivery of justice-related services, promoting the alignment of IT initiatives with the court’s business goals, and exploring opportunities to improve court processes.

The invitation-only three-day event will also bring together stakeholders from the Judiciary, court staff, attorneys, citizen advocacy groups, academia and development partners.

The conference will be held with the support of the Court Administration Division, Canadian government, European Union, Inter-American Development Bank, National Integrity Action and the UK’s Department for International Development.

Last Updated: March 2, 2020

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