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JBDC Stages Women Empowerment Series

By: , March 4, 2022
JBDC Stages Women Empowerment Series
Photo: Contributed
Corporate Communications Manager at the Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC), Suzette Campbell.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC) is inviting persons to register for its free virtual women empowerment series, which is being held under the theme ‘Advancing Women, Advancing Business’.

The series begins on International Women’s Day, March 8, and will be broadcast at 10:00 a.m. on the Zoom platform and livestreamed on the JBDC’s Facebook page.

The first session will be led by Senior Manager, SME Professional Partnerships for Scotiabank Caribbean North and Central, Kaysia Johnson Vaughan.

Persons can register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYocOihrTIpHNMhZZFiL_Hd3463MlbdRZts. The deadline for registration is March 7.

Corporate Communications Manager at the JBDC, Suzette Campbell, said that the entity is partnering with corporate Jamaica to undertake the sessions, which are aimed at highlighting business development opportunities for women entrepreneurs.

There will be presentations by industry experts from Scotiabank and Barita Investments, among others.

“Through the series, we hope to equip women entrepreneurs with the information needed for them to succeed. We want women to understand that they are worthy of investment support, and so we will have presentations on funding and investment opportunities that are available to them,” Ms. Campbell told JIS News.

She noted that the main purpose of the virtual series is for women to have a safe space where they can receive continuous support from other women in business.

“Women are constantly seeking a space to encourage each other and so we are creating that space so that they can share their knowledge and learn from each other while developing themselves and their businesses,” she said.

Ms. Campbell added that focus is being placed heavily on women entrepreneurs in recognition of Women’s Month; however, both males and females are welcome to participate in the empowerment series.

The sessions will be held every Tuesday, beginning at 10:00 a.m., throughout the month of March

Last Updated: March 5, 2022

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