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Jamaicans Urged to Partner with Police in Fight Against Crime

December 23, 2008

The Full Story

Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security, Arthur Williams, has implored law-abiding Jamaicans to join forces with the police, in an effort to solve the problem of crime in the country.
Speaking at the long service awards ceremony for the Mandeville-based Power Services Company Limited, at Manchester Club in Mandeville on December 20, Senator Williams said the fight against crime cannot be left solely to law enforcement officers, but had to be undertaken in collaboration with the Jamaican people.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the fight against crime and violence in Jamaica cannot be for the police force alone. The fight against crime and violence in Jamaica is going to involve every law-abiding citizen of this country. We have to get back to the days when the community was involved in the fight against crime and violence,” he stated.
Senator Williams said the days when the police, through the District Constables (DCs), were more intimately involved in the issues of the community, will have to be re-visited, as the information flow this relationship engendered, was largely responsible for controlling and containing crime in communities.
“Many of you know of the days when we had the district constable system working well in our police stations. The DCs knew everybody and their children went to the same school as ours. They knew who the goat thieves were; they knew who broke the houses. Information passed between the local pastor and the head teacher and the Justice of the Peace (JP), into the police station, and we were able to take control of our communities. We have to return to those days. We have to return to community effort in the fight against crime and violence,” he asserted.
He further urged Jamaicans to make a conscious determination to fulfill their obligation as citizens of this nation, by refusing to be indifferent or cowardly, and take a stance against criminal activity. This, he said, should be the resolution of all persons, who wish to see a significant decrease in the crime rate for 2009.
“People can’t withdraw from joining with the constabulary force in the fight against crime in our country. So, as we come to the end of 2008, as we seek to start a New Year, I would urge every law-abiding citizen of this country to resolve that they will be part of the solution. For too long, the criminals have taken control of our communities. I suggest to you that it’s time now for us to take back our communities from the criminals, as our resolve to make 2009 a better year for Jamaica,” Senator Williams urged.
At the function, several employees of the Power Services Company were recognised for providing 12 years of dedicated service.

Last Updated: December 23, 2008

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