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Jamaica Energy Partners Group To Host Fisherfolk Training Session This Month

By: , June 16, 2021
Jamaica Energy Partners Group To Host Fisherfolk Training Session This Month
Photo: Contributed
Standing, JEP Group CSR Officer, Patrice Howell, leads the needs assessment meeting held at Repooh Restaurant with the Old Harbour Bay Fisherfolk Council in March. Other individuals photographed include Mr. Ian Jones, Fisheries Officer, National Fisheries Authority (at the table to Patrice’s right), Mr. Kevin Baker, President of Old Harbour Bay Fisherfolk Council (at the table to Patrice’s left). Ms. Jacqueline Walker, Secretary of the Old Harbour Bay Fisherfolk Council (at the table to Patrice’s left taking notes). Other persons present were executive members of the council.

The Full Story

From Thursday, June 17 – 18 and Friday, June 24 – 25, 2021, private power-producing giant Jamaica Energy Partners (JEP) Group will host its inaugural fisherfolk training programme for sixty fishermen and women from the Old Harbour Bay, Eastern and Western Kingston Communities.

The first two sessions slated for this week (June 17 and 18) will run from 10 am – 1 pm daily at the Agent HQ Restaurant, Chiney Beach, Rockfort. The final two sessions (June 24 and 25) will occur at the Repooh Restaurant from 10 am – 1 pm each day. Participants will learn about fishing methods, conservation and sustainability methods, safety at sea and mapping, and quality management and fish handling processes.

The purpose of this training session is to educate the fisherfolk about sustainable fishing practices, with the intent to contribute to the viability of their livelihood. Sustainable fishing practices allow us to enjoy seafood while preserving the lifeblood of our oceans. Many individuals, communities, and nations continue to rely on fish and other aquatic life as a source of food and raw materials. To maintain fish stocks, the reduction of overfishing and bycatch through fisheries management is crucial. Proper sustainable operations minimize environmental impacts such as pollution, diseases, and other damage to coastal ecosystems.

According to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, SDG 14 speaks to Life Below Water, which advocates for the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas, and marine resources. Through this initiative, the JEP Group also supports SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

The Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility portfolio seeks to engage the communities surrounding its operations to become more sustainable through community development activities. JEP’s power plants are situated close to three fishing villages: Old Harbour Bay, Rae Town and Rockfort. As good corporate citizens, the energy company will continue to protect our neighbours and their environs through education and training. 

Last Updated: June 16, 2021

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