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Islandwide Nightly Curfew Restrictions for Labour Day Period

By: , May 23, 2020

The Full Story

As announced by the Government, the nightly islandwide curfew will be tightened for the Labour Day holiday period.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness made the announcement on Monday, May 11, 2020 during an update to the nation on COVID-19.

The nightly curfew which currently runs from 8pm to 5am will be adjusted for tomorrow Sunday, May 24 and on Labour Day Monday May 25.

On Sunday the curfew will be from 3:00PM to 8:00AM Monday May 25.

And Labour Day Monday, May 25, 2020 the hours of the curfew will run from 3:00PM to 5:00AM on Tuesday, May 26, 2020.

Thereafter the nightly curfew will run from 9pm to 5am from May 26 through to May 31.

According to Prime Minister Holness, business owners will use their discretion in terms of business hours to allow for their staff to be able to travel home. Also, provisions have been made for transport operators to be on the road 1-hour before and after the curfew hours.

Prime Minister Holness reiterated that under the Disaster Risk Management Order, all places of amusement such as public beaches, water attractions, rivers and falls, cinemas, clubs, amusement arcade, skate rink et al should remain closed until May 31, 2020.

Additionally, persons are reminded that under the current Disaster Risk Management Order, they are required to wear a mask in public spaces and maintain physical distancing of six feet from the person nearest you.

Persons at the age of 65 years and older are also required to remain inside except for once per day to conduct the essentials of life.

There will be an increase in police vigilance and prosecution of those who fail to comply with the rules stipulated under the Act.

Prime Minister Holness has urged everyone to adhere to the public health guidelines as the Government and relevant authorities work to keep our nation safe.

Last Updated: May 23, 2020

Jamaica Information Service