GOJ Support for Tertiary Education
May 6, 2024The Full Story
The Government of Jamaica (GOJ) has removed the guarantor requirement for accessing tertiary education funding from the Students’ Loan Bureau (SLB). As a result of this adjustment, more students will be able to access tertiary education.
Additional Tuition Support
The GOJ has also made $200 million available for tuition support to at least 1,000 students who are in good academic standing with their tertiary institution but need financial assistance.
This support will be administered through the Ministry of Education and Youth in conjunction with the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), where each constituency will be allocated approximately $3,000,000 and beneficiaries can access a maximum tuition grant of $200,000.
For additional information contact:
The Ministry of Education and Youth
2-4 National Heroes Circle
Tel: 876-922-1400-9
Contact Form: https://moey.gov.jm/contact-us/
Website: https://moey.gov.jm
Facebook: MOEYIJamaica
X: moeyijamaica
Instagram: moe_jamaica
The Students’ Loan Bureau
Sagicor Sigma Building
1st, 2nd & 8th Floors
63-67, Sagicor Sigma Building
Knutsford Blvd
Kingston 5
Tel: 876-619-4752
Email: info@slbja.com
Website: https://www.slbja.com
Facebook: StudentsLoanBureau
X: slbja
Instagram: studentsloanbureau