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Infirmaries Receive Medical Supplies and Equipment

March 1, 2005

The Full Story

Three of the 12 parish infirmaries across the island are being provided with much needed medical items and equipment, which have been donated by a charitable organization based in Canada. The infirmaries are located in St. Catherine, Clarendon and Westmoreland.
The supplies arrived in mid January and are being distributed through the Ministry of Local Government, Community Development and Sport to the Parish Councils in each parish, with allocations also designated for the Ministry of Health.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government, Loraine Robinson said “gestures of kindness, such as that displayed by Lloyd Seivright and his organization, the Independent United Order of Solomon, are most welcome”.
“This donation of well needed supplies and equipment, such as rolators, walkers, linen and other medical supplies to our infirmaries will no doubt fill a critical need at this time,” she said.
“I am sure the residents will not only be happy beneficiaries but the staff will also be appreciative of this philanthropic effort that impacts on the level of care they administer to the residents of the island’s infirmaries,” Miss Robinson added.
Describing the organization as truly a friend of Jamaica, the Permanent Secretary commended the members for their generosity, and that she “looked forward to the strengthening of this fruitful relationship that recognizes the needs of our elderly”.
The Independent Order of Solomon is a Jamaican Canadian charitable organization.

Last Updated: March 1, 2005

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