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Impressive Chinese Delegation for Trade Fair and Forum

January 28, 2005

The Full Story

An impressive Chinese delegation of well over 100 persons is expected to converge on Jamaica’s capital within the next few days, to participate in next week’s inaugural China-Caribbean Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum and Trade Fair, which are being co-hosted by the governments of Jamaica and the People’s Republic of China.
In an interview with JIS News, Liu Linlin, Director of Caribbean Affairs in China’s Ministry of Commerce, revealed that over 100 government officials from more than ten ministries in China as well as a strong contingent of private sector interests would participate in the Trade Fair and Forum.
The Chinese government officials will include representatives from the Ministries of Commerce, Agriculture, Foreign Affairs, Finance, the China National Tourism Administration and the China National Civil Aviation Administration.
“Some of the key persons to expect are our Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, Mr. An Min and the Vice Minister of Commerce, Madam Ma Xiuhong. Also, the President of the Export-Import Bank of China, Mr. Yang Ziling; Vice Chairman of the China National Tourism Administration, Mr. Gu Zhaoxi; Director-General of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China, Mr. Li Changjiang, and Vice Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Niu Dun,” Mr. Liu pointed out.
From the banking sector, representation will come from China’s Peoples Bank (their equivalent to Bank of Jamaica), China Development Bank and the largest commercial bank in China, the China Industrial and Commercial Bank.
“We will also have persons from the Ex-Im Bank and the Export Credit Corporation,” revealed Mr. Liu.In addition, 60 well-known Chinese businesses will send representatives to meet with local businesspeople, in an effort to form critical alliances.
“I think the main ones are China Great Wall Asset Management Corporation, China National Machinery Import-Export Corporation, Air China Limited, China Southern Airline Company Limited, China National Fisheries International Corporation and also we have China Trust and Investment Corporation…and many other large corporations, which have an interest in developing business partnerships with Caribbean companies,” he told JIS News.
As part of the trade fair, which will be held at the National Arena from February 3-5, these companies will display and sell their wares, which cover a gamut of sectors.
“You can expect commodities from the telecommunications sector, information technology, hi-tech products, mechanical products, also home appliances, motor cycles and spare parts, large industrial products, art and craft and also tourism products,” Mr. Liu noted.
The Director of Caribbean Affairs is also optimistic about the number of partnerships that will be forged between Chinese businessmen and their Jamaican counterparts.
“I think this is a very good opportunity and platform for businesspeople from China and Jamaica to form business partnerships…Jamaican businessmen can meet face to face with Chinese companies without spending the money to go to China, and another benefit is that this can facilitate Jamaican businesspeople who want to import directly from China,” Mr. Liu pointed out.
Meanwhile, with China’s recent decision to grant Jamaica ‘Approved Destination Status’, Mr. Liu is of the view that, this could mean a significant increase in Chinese visitors to the island and the wider Caribbean in the near future.
“The World Tourism Organization and the World Bank predict that China will be the fourth largest tourist supplier in the world by 2020, therefore cooperation in tourism between China and the Caribbean countries, including Jamaica, offers excellent potential market prospects. Gradually, more and more Chinese will be travelling here,” he predicted.
The China-Caribbean Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum scheduled for February 2-3 will be held at the Jamaica Conference Centre, and the Trade Fair, which is scheduled for February 2-5, will be held at the National Arena.

Last Updated: January 28, 2005

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