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Hoteliers and Suppliers to Meet January 21

By: , January 10, 2015

The Key Point:

Local suppliers and manufacturers will be able to meet, exchange ideas and discuss business opportunities with hoteliers and tourism stakeholders, at the upcoming Speed Networking event, slated for January 21 at the Half Moon Hotel, in Montego Bay.
Hoteliers and Suppliers to Meet January 21
Photo: JIS
Head of the Tourism Linkages Hub, Carolyn McDonald-Riley.

The Facts

  • The event, which will last from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. will take the form of break-out sessions and meetings between Managing Directors/General Managers/Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of local supplier companies of products and services and owners/managers of properties, restaurants, attractions and other tourism entities.

The Full Story

Local suppliers and manufacturers will be able to meet, exchange ideas and discuss business opportunities with hoteliers and tourism stakeholders, at the upcoming Speed Networking event, slated for January 21 at the Half Moon Hotel, in Montego Bay.

The event, which will last from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. will take the form of break-out sessions and meetings between Managing Directors/General Managers/Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of local supplier companies of products and services and owners/managers of properties, restaurants, attractions and other tourism entities.

Speaking with JIS News, Head of the Tourism Linkages Hub, Carolyn McDonald-Riley, said the event is aimed at forging stronger partnerships, strengthening linkages and increasing business between local manufacturers/suppliers and players in the tourism sector.

She pointed out that some 50 hotels and close to 80 businesses that offer products and services ranging from chemicals and cleaning products, cosmetic and spa products, toiletry and guest amenities, craft, furniture, bedding, food and beverage, meat, uniform, printing and packaging, fresh produce, construction, training, ICT, electrical and entertainment will participate in the networking session.

“So, it is about having deeper ties with the hotel industry as this sector demands a variety of products and services from various sectors…it is about greater access for our suppliers and manufacturers, the technical people and service providers, all of whom will be able to sit with the CEOs of various tourism entities to discuss business prospects,” Mrs. McDonald-Riley further noted.

She said the event is one of several activities that the Tourism Linkages Hub will be undertaking for 2015, geared at strengthening sector linkages and business opportunities.

“The plan is to focus on individual sectors and groups. We want to put all the gift shop operators with our craft people to discuss their needs, demands and products that are available. So, we will be having training sessions with our artisans, then we move to our entertainment group, but it will be about deepening the linkages with all the sectors out there,” she pointed out.

The Speed Networking event is being hosted by the Tourism Linkages Hub, the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA), the Jamaica Manufacturers’ Association (JMA), Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO), Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) and Jamaica Business Development Corporation (JBDC).


Last Updated: January 12, 2015

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