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Gov’t Embarking on Sensitisation Campaign for New Banknotes

By: , December 16, 2022
Gov’t Embarking on Sensitisation Campaign for New Banknotes
Photo: Mark Bell
Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke (left), addresses the launch of Jamaica’s new series of banknotes at the Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) on Wednesday (December 15). Others pictured (from left) are Country Director (Caribbean), De La Rue, Gareth Evans; and BOJ Deputy Governor, Natalie Haynes.

The Full Story

The Government, through the Bank of Jamaica (BOJ), will be embarking on a public education campaign to sensitise Jamaicans about the new series of printed banknotes, which is now in the country.

Speaking during Thursday’s (December 15) launch of the notes at the BOJ’s headquarters in downtown Kingston, Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, said the Central Bank is putting in place a transition period that will allow for focus groups to take place.

“This is a process where representatives of people can have an opportunity to interact with [the notes] before [they are circulated],” he explained.

Dr. Clarke said a process of retrofitting automated teller machines (ATMs) islandwide will also have to take place before circulation, pointing out that this will take up to six months.

BOJ Deputy Governor, Natalie Haynes, said the transition period is necessary, considering that with the public education campaign, “we have to look at the market vendors, the taxi operators, the bus crew… anyone who uses cash on a large basis, we have to target those persons”.

Mrs. Haynes told journalists that the campaign will be “an education process for the Jamaican people” as the current banknotes, when folded or crushed and redeemed to the BOJ, have to be destroyed and cannot be reissued to the public.

The new notes, which are printed on polymer substrate, are estimated to last 50 per cent longer than those now in circulation.

They are less susceptible to counterfeiting, more user-friendly for visually impaired persons, and are more durable.

Mrs. Haynes maintained that “for the polymer, we encourage – and the communication programme will be there – do not crush and do not fold and do not put graffiti on the banknotes; that’s a thing that we have been pushing from ever since”.

She said now that the notes have been launched, the full communication programme will kick into high gear.

Traditional media as well as social media platforms will be utilised to convey the messages.

The new series of banknotes was announced by Minister Clarke during the 2022/23 Budget Debate in the House of Representatives in March and includes the introduction of a $2,000 bill and a redesign of the entire suite of current banknotes.

Jamaica’s five deceased Prime Ministers and seven National Heroes are reflected on the six notes.

They were printed by British firm De La Rue, the world’s largest integrated commercial banknote printer.

Last Updated: December 16, 2022

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