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Gov’t Determined To Defeat Crime – Dr. Chang

By: , January 27, 2022
Gov’t Determined To Defeat Crime – Dr. Chang
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang, addresses a prayer breakfast held on Wednesday (January 26) at his New Kingston offices under the theme ‘United for a Safer Jamaica’.
Gov’t Determined To Defeat Crime – Dr. Chang
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang (left), engages with State Minister, Hon. Zavia Mayne, during a prayer breakfast on Wednesday (January 26) at the Ministry’s New Kingston offices, under the theme ‘United for a Safer Jamaica’.

The Full Story

Minister of National Security, Hon. Dr. Horace Chang, says the Government is determined to defeat crime, and disrupt the activities of well-resourced persons who are bent on causing mayhem in communities.

Speaking at a prayer breakfast held at his New Kingston offices on Wednesday (January 26) under the theme ‘United for a Safer Jamaica,’ the Minister noted that the society is being challenged by persons, who abide by no rules and will do anything for their own success, but stressed that the State will win the battle against crime and encouraged citizens to stand united against the scourge.

“We are going to win because we are committed to our principles, we trust in God, and we have faith in the Jamaican people. We have the men and women out there, and we will overcome those challenges,” he added.

Dr. Chang urged the security forces to build trust with citizens, “so that we can achieve unity under Christ, and achieve the success that we all [strive] for, to ensure that there is public safety and good order for all of Jamaica”.

Delivering the message, Pastor of the Eastwood Park Road New Testament Church of God, Rev. Dr. Clement Clarke, said it is time for “all hands on deck” in the fight against crime.

He cited the need for stronger families, noting that the church must also play a greater socialising role in the society.

“The church must seek to mentor some of those young boys who are straying, and causing mayhem in the society, and some who will ultimately self-destruct. We can slay the monster that is terrorising all of us, but we must have the right attitude,” the Pastor said.

Last Updated: January 27, 2022

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