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Human Employment and Resource Training / Heart Trust NTA

The Human Employment and Resource Training Trust, National Training Agency known to most Jamaicans simply as ‘HEART’ is a key driver on Jamaica’s road to development. Formed in 1982 and restructured by the amended HEART Act in 1991, the Organisation focuses primarily on stimulating economic growth and job creation. This can only be achieved through the creation of a highly skilled, productive and competitive workforce.

The HEART Trust/NTA operates 29 Technical and Vocational Education and Training locations which focus on providing a variety of training options to ALL Jamaicans seeking to advance their career options. With programmes geared at transforming the lives of school leavers as well as employed persons who require training and certification,  HEART Trust/NTA is active in engaging members of the society. Begin your career, gain work experience and build your business idea with the HEART Trust/NTA!

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