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Government Will Not Let Up On Conservation Measures – Minister Paulwell

By: , November 12, 2014

The Key Point:

Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Phillip Paulwell, says although the price of oil on the world market is expected to continue to fall, the Government will not let up on its conservation measures.
Government Will Not Let Up On Conservation Measures – Minister Paulwell
Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Phillip Paulwell, addresses the press launch of the Public Sector Energy Champion Competition at the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica auditorium in Kingston, on November 12.

The Facts

  • “There are some experts who believe that it will go down to US$75 per barrel…and that’s good news for us,” he asserted.
  • However, the Minister said even if the cost of oil continues to go down, the Government will be “relentless” in its efforts to explore and implement energy efficiency and conservation interventions.

The Full Story

Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Phillip Paulwell, says although the price of oil on the world market is expected to continue to fall, the Government will not let up on its conservation measures.

“There are some experts who believe that it will go down to US$75 per barrel…and that’s good news for us,” he asserted.

However, the Minister said even if the cost of oil continues to go down, the Government will be “relentless” in its efforts to explore and implement energy efficiency and conservation interventions.

“We have been this route before. In the 1970s when we had the first energy crisis with the price of oil going through the roof, we were very agitated and we spoke a lot then about energy conservation and efficiency – the price fell, and we went back into our comfort zone. We have had those cycles a number of times. We are not going to repeat those errors,” Mr. Paulwell emphasised.

The Minister said the government would be “unceasing,” starting with the public sector, in getting Jamaicans to conserve.

Mr. Paulwell was addressing the press launch of the Public Sector Energy Champion Competition for outstanding performers in energy efficiency and conservation, at the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica auditorium on Wednesday, November 12.

The competition is an activity of the Inter-American Development Bank-funded Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme (EECP). The goal of the project, which commenced in November 2011, is to enhance the country’s energy efficiency and conservation potential through the design and implementation of concrete energy efficiency and conservation cost-saving measures within the public sector.

To this end, the initiative implements three components: strengthen the institutional capacity of the ministry for the implementation of the EECP; support investments in energy efficiency and conservation measures in the public sector (retrofitting buildings and facilities); and increase awareness and knowledge of the EE and EC methods among key public sector agencies as well as private sector stakeholders.

Last Updated: November 12, 2014

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