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Government To Recover Us$2.8 Million Owed To Jamaica Bauxite Mining Ltd.

By: , May 27, 2021
Government To Recover Us$2.8 Million Owed To Jamaica Bauxite Mining Ltd.
Photo: Michael Sloley
Minister of Transport and Mining, Hon. Robert Montague, makes his contribution in the 2021/22 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on Wednesday (May 26).

The Full Story

The Government has committed to recover the approximately US$2.8 million that is owed to the Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited for Jamaicans who should benefit from these funds.

Minister of Transport and Mining, Hon. Robert Montague, provided details while contributing to the 2021/22 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on Wednesday (May 26).

“Our partners in the New Day plant are behind on some of their commitments. However, these funds belong to the people of Jamaica and we intend to use all legal means to collect. We have agreements and we have laws and we intend, with the advice of the Attorney General’s Chambers, to use them. Never forget that we are a country of laws,” Mr. Montague said.

He emphasised that the approximately US$2.8 million that is owed to the Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited must and will be collected.

“Our partners clearly understand that Jamaica is a country of laws and this Ministry carefully guards the people’s assets. Overall, our records show that our partners owe another US$14 million to the Ministry of Finance, in addition to the US$2.8 million owed to Jamaica Bauxite Mining. We are in support of the Ministry of Finance in doing what’s necessary to collect the people’s money for bauxite already shipped,” he said.

Additionally, later this year, when it is legally allowed, the Government intends to renegotiate the Establishment Agreement.

“That is, we intend to maximise on the earnings from this vital industry. As a matter of fact, we are moving to audit the whole operations in St. Ann,” Minister Montague said.

Last Updated: May 27, 2021

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