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Funding for Biodiversity Conservation Programmes in the Cockpit Country

April 13, 2009

The Full Story

Some $4.617million has been set aside in the 20109/2010 budget to assist with the implementation of biodiversity conservation programmes in select Cockpit Country forest reserve sites, that are being affected by expanding agricultural activities.
As set out in the Estimates of Expenditure, the Biodiversity Conservation Programmes in the Cockpit Country Forest Reserve Project, will conduct a number of activities.
Targets include the rehabilitation of degraded lands in the Cockpit Country to replant approximately 10 to 15 hectares of disintegrated lands at Barbeque/Burnt Hill Forests of the reserved area; the incorporation of the Agro forestry activities on Forest Reserve Lands, which are currently under threat from squatters; and, the propagation of Native High Nectar Producing Species of Trees.
In addition, there will be identification, selection and mapping of sites for reforestation activities; preparation of planting sites and preparation of seedlings at selected sites; proposal to Commissioner of Lands for engagement of the project participants; identification and finalisation of the list of farmers to be involved; and, the distribution of planting material to targeted bee farmers, are to be completed under the project.
The project, scheduled for implementation this month with completion set for September 2009, is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Last Updated: August 27, 2013

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