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Focus on Youth at Grand Gala

By: , July 23, 2016

The Key Point:

Some 800 performers depicting the theme, ‘Youth Arising’, will participate in this year’s Independence Grand Gala at the National Stadium on August 6.
Focus on Youth at Grand Gala
Photo: Donald Delahaye
Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Olivia Grange, speaks about this year’s Emancipation and Independence celebrations at a JIS ‘Think Tank’, held on July 22, at the JIS head office in Kingston.

The Facts

  • Additionally, she said there will also be messages about caring for youth, youth growth and ambition.
  • Commenting on the other aspects of the production, she said that some 100 cadets from the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force will participate in a Guard of Honour display monitored by the Jamaica Defence Force(JDF).

The Full Story

Some 800 performers depicting the theme, ‘Youth Arising’, will participate in this year’s Independence Grand Gala at the National Stadium on August 6.

Speaking at a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) ‘Think Tank’ on July 22, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Olivia Grange, said the performance will focus on young people and their experiences and will capture the colour,  spirit, attitudes and language of youth “in a way that distinguishes and contrast with the older generation.”

“The Grand Gala this year is the excursion into the exciting world of youth culture. When we say that it doesn’t mean that it is not catering to all age groups, but we are going into the world of youth and exploring their experiences,” she said.

Miss Grange pointed out that  the production will have various segments, including youth in education, youth in technology and youth as creators of significant cultural expressions.

Additionally, she said there will also be messages about caring for youth, youth growth and ambition.

“We are saying to the nation, we are moving from one generation to the next and the country is growing and evolving, because the youth of today will be the older ones tomorrow,” the Minister noted.

“We want to make sure that we set the stage for them. We also want to make sure that we understand them and we can relate to the world of young people,” she continued.

The Minister said the theme will be expressed through various devices of music, mass dance scenarios, comedy and stories, which will be enhanced by ecstatic lighting, special effects and pyrotechnics (fireworks).

Miss Grange said  the show will have a mixture of secular, gospel and vintage music and will involve artistes such as Romain Virgo, Nesbeth and Kevin Downswell.

Commenting on the other aspects of the production, she said that some 100 cadets from the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force will participate in a Guard of Honour display monitored by the Jamaica Defence Force(JDF).

“They will be outfitted in ceremonial wear and they will also be supported by uniformed groups which will present a spectacular flag raising activity,” she noted.

Other groups participating will include the Scouts Association, the Girl Guides Association, the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade, the National Inter-Schools Brigade as well as a special appearance by the Caribbean Maritime Institute.

Last Updated: July 26, 2016

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