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New Artisan Village to Ignite Jamaica’s Cultural Renaissance

By: , April 21, 2024
New Artisan Village to Ignite Jamaica’s Cultural Renaissance
Photo: Yhomo Hutchinson
Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (centre) cuts the ribbon at the official opening of the Artisan Village in Falmouth, Trelawny on April 19. Sharing in the moment are (from left)  President of the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association, Robin Russell; Custos of Trelawny, Hugh Gentles; Chairman of the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF), Godfrey Dyer; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Jennifer Griffith; Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett; President and Chief Executive Officer of the Port Authority of Jamaica, Professor the Hon. Gordon Shirley; Member of Parliament for Trelawny Northern, Tova Hamilton; Executive Director of the TEF, Dr. Carey Wallace; Mayor of Falmouth, Councillor Colin Gager; and Director of Projects, TEF, Johan Rampair.

The Full Story

The opening of the artisan village in Falmouth, Trelawny on Friday (April 19) is being deemed as a serious attempt by the Government to ensure the diversification of the tourism product.

It is set to redefine the tourism experience, enabling visitors to shop for unique products crafted by locals, while enjoying the country’s vibrant culture and heritage.

Delivering the keynote address at the official opening, Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness said while sun, sea, and sand were part of Jamaican tourism’s definition, that was not going to be Jamaica’s defining competitive advantage.

“Where we will have the competitive advantage will be in our people and culture. People create the culture, so we must invest in the people to continuously improve that culture. Culture has value,” Mr. Holness stated.

He reminded that the Government has a policy on arts and crafts that has been driving the development of the craft sector and which should greatly enhance the product line and offerings inside the artisan village.

“We are hoping that this will be the new launching pad for a renaissance for Jamaica’s arts and crafts; that this will become one of your staging areas for the training of artisans and the creation of a school of thought around quality arts and craft,” the Prime Minister added.

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (left) and Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, view the different products on display at the new Artisan Village in Falmouth, Trelawny on April 19.

For his part, Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett hailed the artisan village as a super facility for everything authentic Jamaican, adding that it is the product of a wider policy determination by the Ministry, to deal with the issue of upscaling the quality of Jamaica’s cultural offerings.

The Minister shared that the Falmouth Village was the first of five to be funded by the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF), with the other four slated for the main resort towns.

He added that the facility has been developed around a theme that tells the researched story of Falmouth and the unique characters of the parish, noting that emerging stories will be told by creations in unique public spaces and stores.

“Also, an entertainment package has been developed with an entertainment troupe showcasing unique costumes, music, dance, and dialogue. The troupe also provides customer service support for visitors,” Mr. Bartlett stated.

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (right) and Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett participate in an activity at the new Artisan Village in Falmouth, Trelawny on April 19.

In the meantime, Member of Parliament for Northern Trelawny, Tova Hamilton, said the opening of the facility is the beginning of a new chapter in the community’s history, celebrating the creativity and talent of local artisans.

“I can see the complex being transformed into a vibrant hub of culture and commerce…a treasure trove of one-of-a-kind creations,” she noted.

“This will not just be a place for showcasing local products but will be a testament of our shared values and pride in our heritage, where locals and tourists will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Falmouth’s artistic scene,” she added.

Students of Westwood High School perform a dance piece at the opening of the new Artisan Village in Falmouth, Trelawny on April 19.

Placed under management of the Jamaica Centre for Tourism Innovation (JCTI), a department of the Tourism Enhancement Fund, the Falmouth Artisan Village is a partnership with the Port Authority of Jamaica (PAJ), which owns the property on which the Old Hampden Wharf was located.

PAJ President, Professor Gordon Shirley, and Chairman of TEF, Godfrey Dyer were among those lauding its development and expounding on the economic and aesthetic benefits it will add to town of Falmouth.


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