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Japex a Vital Platform for Tourism Sector

By: , October 1, 2023
Japex a Vital Platform for Tourism Sector
Photo: Garwin Davis
Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, speaking at the Jamaica Product Exchange opening ceremony and welcome reception at the Chukka Sandy Bay Outpost in Hanover, on September 11.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Product Exchange (JAPEX) has emerged as a vital platform for promoting the island’s tourism industry and fostering economic growth.

An annual event organised by the Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA), JAPEX brings together wholesalers, tour operators, and travel agents with Jamaica’s leading tourism suppliers to conduct business.

The event is regarded as the single most important business generator for the island’s tourism industry, helping to promote Jamaica as the preferred destination in the Caribbean.

Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, told JIS News that JAPEX 2023, which was held recently at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in St. James, exceeded expectations.

“The event’s aim was to create a platform where Jamaican tourism stakeholders could market their products and services to international travel industry professionals. Over the years, JAPEX has grown in stature and has evolved into a premier business-to-business event, attracting participants from around the globe,” Mr. Bartlett stated.

Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett (left), greets guests at the Jamaica Product Exchange opening ceremony and welcome reception at the Chukka Sandy Bay Outpost in Hanover, on September 11.

The Minister said through exhibitions, presentations, and networking opportunities, JAPEX provided a platform for entities to promote their offerings, establish partnerships, and secure business deals with international buyers.

“One of the primary benefits of JAPEX is its ability to drive tourism revenues and create employment opportunities in Jamaica. It serves as a catalyst for attracting international investments and increasing visitor arrivals to the island,” Mr. Bartlett said.

“By facilitating direct business interactions between local suppliers and international buyers, JAPEX stimulates tourism demand, leading to increased hotel bookings, enhanced visitor spending, and the generation of jobs across various sectors,” he added.

Participant in JAPEX 2023, Travel Writer, Mauricio Neira from Vero Beach, Florida, said he has been coming to the event every year since 2000, except for the COVID-19 hit years.

“JAPEX connects people…it’s about business and fun…and Jamaica is just the perfect host,” he stated.

Chief Executive Officer of Chukka Caribbean Adventures, Jamaica, Marc Melville, said JAPEX has been at the forefront of promoting sustainable tourism practices throughout the island.

Chief Executive Officer, Chukka Caribbean Adventures, Marc Melville, addresses the Jamaica Product Exchange (JAPEX) opening ceremony and welcome reception at the Chukka Sandy Bay Outpost, in Hanover on September 11.

“JAPEX encourages participants to adopt environmentally friendly initiatives, support local communities, and showcase authentic Jamaican experiences. Through seminars and workshops, JAPEX educates stakeholders about sustainable tourism principles, encouraging responsible practices that preserve Jamaica’s natural resources, culture, and heritage for future generations,” he told JIS News.

He pointed out that JAPEX provides a significant platform for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access international markets.

Mr. Melville stated that the event offers opportunities for local artisans, craft makers, farmers, and entrepreneurs to exhibit their products and services to a global audience.

He noted that the exposure not only facilitates increased visibility, but also helps businesses to form partnerships with international buyers, leading to increased export opportunities and economic growth at the grassroots level.

Meanwhile, Director of the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB), John Byles, said that “through its comprehensive marketing campaigns and international media exposure, JAPEX has played a crucial role in promoting Jamaica as a premier tourist destination”.

Senior partner at Chukka Caribbean Adventures and Director of the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB), John Byles, addresses the Jamaica Product Exchange (JAPEX) attendees, at the opening ceremony and welcome reception at Chukka Sandy Bay Outpost, Hanover on September 11.

He said the event showcases the country’s iconic attractions, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality.

“JAPEX has contributed significantly to building Jamaica’s brand as a sought-after vacation spot, attracting visitors from diverse markets, and strengthening the country’s position in the global tourism industry,” Mr. Byles stated.

He added that the event has been a driving force behind Jamaica’s tourism industry, fuelling economic growth, and promoting the country as an attractive destination.

“This is achieved by connecting local suppliers with international buyers which no trade show does better than JAPEX. JAPEX has a proven track record of facilitating business opportunities, increased tourism revenues, and creating jobs. It is a proven winner and is here to stay,” Mr. Byles stated.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Jennifer Griffith (right) and Executive Director of Jamaica Vacations (JAMVAC) Joy Roberts, share in conversation at the Jamaica Product Exchange opening ceremony and welcome reception at the Chukka Sandy Bay Outpost in Hanover, on September 11.
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