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CASE Celebrates 114 Years

By: , January 31, 2024
CASE Celebrates 114 Years
Photo: Donald De La Haye
President, College of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE), Dr. Derrick Deslandes (right), and President, Ole Farmers Association, North America (OFANA), Norma Jarrett (second right), participate in cutting the 114th anniversary cake at the Portland-based school. Also participating are (from left) Immediate Past President, CASE Alumni Association (CASE AA) Immediate Past President, Pius Lacan, and current President, Everett Hyatt.

The Full Story

It all started on January 25, 1910 with the establishment of the Government Farm School.

Today, after existing in other predecessor institutions, namely the Jamaica School of Agriculture, the College of Agriculture and the Passley Gardens Teachers’ College, the College of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE) stands 114 years strong as a trailblazer among local educational institutions.

Unlike its predecessors, which focused primarily on agriculture, CASE is a multidisciplinary institution offering professional training at the diploma, associate degree and bachelor’s degree levels in Agriculture, Natural Sciences, Environmental Management, Business Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management and Teacher Education.

Between January 26 and 28, past and present students converged at the now Portland-based school to celebrate Founders’ Weekend, and for an opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of founding fathers – former Anglican Archbishop of the West Indies, the Most Rev. Enos Nuttall; former Governor of Jamaica, Sir Sydney Olivier, and the island’s former Director of Agriculture, Herbert Henry Cousins.

Additionally, the institution’s rich heritage was celebrated by all attendees, including Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Hon. Floyd Green, who delivered the keynote address on day one, January 26.

He proudly stated that “regardless of what the reporting mechanism is in relation to which Ministry you fall under, CASE is ours and we will always feel like CASE is a part of what we do”.

He commended the ‘ole farmers’ (a term given to past students of the institution), for not only hosting the Founders’ Weekend and anniversary celebration, but for continuing to pour into their alma mater.

“A lot of the achievements that we have in agriculture, we can literally trace back to the students who used to be here. They have [also] made significant contributions all over the world, especially in North America. Some of the top veterinarians, some of the top agriculturalists were trained right here in Jamaica,” Minister Green said.

College President, Dr. Derrick Deslandes, in his remarks, noted that, currently, the institution is home to some 900 to 1,100 students, who are all maintained by the institution through self-sufficient means.

“CASE is the only institution currently that provides students with three meals a day, Monday to Friday, and two meals a day on weekends. When you pay your school fee at CASE, that’s it for the rest of the year,” Dr. Deslandes said.

President, College of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE), Dr. Derrick Deslandes, highlights some of the institution’s current activities, during day two of Founders’ Weekend at the school on Saturday (January 27).

He thanked all donors and partners who continue to support the school and committed that CASE is being repositioned by using new approaches incorporating technology and through research, to make a significant mark on the agricultural sector.

On day two of Founders’ Weekend, Saturday, January 27, scores of students received scholarships from the institution’s local Alumni Association and the Ole Farmers Association, North America (OFANA).

OFANA President, Norma Jarrett, pointed out that “my OFANA members are invested in this institution”.

“You don’t go to college and [get] free food [and] three meals a day and walk away from the institution without returning the favour to [others],” she said.

President of the Ole Farmers Association, North America (OFANA), and past student of the College of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE), Norma Jarrett, delivers remarks during day two of Founders’ Weekend at the Portland-based institution on Saturday (January 27).

Founders’ Weekend 2024 and the 114th anniversary celebrations featured an exciting roster of activities, including panel discussions, meet and greet sessions, sporting activities (ole farmers versus current students), and a church service.

An anniversary cake was also cut to commemorate the occasion.

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