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EWI Officially Notified of Licence Revocation for Energy Project

By: , June 5, 2014

The Key Point:

Minister Paulwell has written to Energy World International (EWI) giving the company the requisite notice regarding the revocation of their licence.
EWI Officially Notified of Licence Revocation for Energy Project
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller responds to questions about the revocation of the licence of EWI to construct a 381-megawatt energy plant during the sitting of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, June 4.

The Facts

  • The Energy Minister had informed in May that he would consult with the OUR regarding the revocation of EWI’s licence to construct a 381-megawatt energy plant in Jamaica by 2016.
  • The regulator had recommended in April that EWI be granted a licence for the supply of 381 megawatts of electric power to JPS.

The Full Story

Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Phillip Paulwell has written to Energy World International (EWI) giving the company the requisite notice regarding the revocation of their licence.

This was disclosed by Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller during the sitting of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, June 4.

She was responding to questions posed by Leader of the Opposition Andrew Holness on the revocation of the licence of EWI to construct a 381-megawatt energy plant in Jamaica by 2016.

The Energy Minister had informed in May that he would consult with the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) regarding the revocation of EWI’s licence to construct the energy plant.

The regulator had recommended in April that EWI be granted a licence for the supply of 381 megawatts of electric power to the Jamaica Public Service (JPS).

The Prime Minister emphasised that the Energy Minister still has statutory responsibility for the energy sector, including the granting of licence for electricity generation, and will continue to discharge those roles and duties.

Cabinet appointed an electricity sector enterprise team headed by Dr. Vincent Lawrence, to oversee the full implementation of the construction of the 381-megawatt energy plant by 2016.

“The enterprise team will report to Cabinet on the procurement for new electricity generating capacity. However in leading and managing the procurement of new electricity generating capacity, the committee may consult with the Minister as the need arises,” Mrs. Simpson Miller stated.

Last Updated: June 5, 2014

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