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Education Minister Emphasises Critical Role School Principals Play in the Sector

By: , June 12, 2024
Education Minister Emphasises Critical Role School Principals Play in the Sector
Photo: Contributed
Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams (seated third left), with principals, teachers, regional heads, and other stakeholders at the Jamaica Association of Principals of Secondary Schools (JAPSS), at their biennial conference at the Ocean Coral Springs Hotel, Trelawny, on June 8. To the Minister’s left is Opposition Spokesperson on Education and Youth, Senator Damion Crawford.
Education Minister Emphasises Critical Role School Principals Play in the Sector
Photo: Contributed
President of the Jamaica Association of Principals of Secondary Schools (JAPSS), Linvern Wright.

The Full Story

Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams, has emphasised the critical role played by school principals and teachers in creating conducive learning environments for students.

The Minister, who was addressing the Jamaica Association of Principals of Secondary Schools (JAPSS) at their biennial conference at the Ocean Coral Springs Hotel, Trelawny, on June 8, expressed her admiration for the dedication and commitment of school administrators, pointing to their knack for going beyond the call of duty to ensure the academic success and personal development of their students.

“It cannot be lost on us (society) the important role being played by our educators and their willingness to go the extra mile to create an environment for their students that is conducive to learning,” Mrs. Williams said, acknowledging the significant impact that principals and teachers have on shaping the future of the nation through education.

The Minister commended the JAPSS for their ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of education in Jamaica and for organising biennial conferences that provide a platform for principals to collaborate, share best practices, and explore innovative strategies to improve their schools and nurture students who will make positive contributions to society.

“They (principals) continue to find ways to make their schools better and to produce quality students who will one day make a positive impact on society, including the development of their country,” she said.

Mrs. Williams highlighted “the exemplary leadership” of women principals in all-boys schools and male principals in all-girls schools, commending them for serving as positive role models for the students under their care, and for imparting values and attitudes that will prepare them for successful adulthood.

“The women principals of all-boys schools and male principals of all-girls schools are exemplifying excellence in leadership and education. They are demonstrating to their students the values and attitudes that will shape them into responsible citizens and future leaders of society,” she said.

The Minister further underscored the critical role of JAPSS in creating a culture of excellence and nurturing the talents and potential of every student.

“As Minister of Education, I am committed to supporting our school principals in their vital work of shaping the future of our nation through education. Together, we can create learning environments that inspire students to achieve their full potential and make meaningful contributions to society,” she said.

For his part, President of JAPSS, Linvern Wright, said that through collaboration, innovation and leadership, principals continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the nation and empowering the next generation of leaders.

He argued that the continuous recognition and appreciation of the hard work and dedication of school principals serves as a testament to the importance of their role in creating a brighter future for Jamaica through education.

Last Updated: June 12, 2024

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