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Early-Childhood Institution Operators Encouraged to Register Their Organisations with the ECC

By: , March 29, 2024
Early-Childhood Institution Operators Encouraged to Register Their Organisations with the ECC
Photo: Dave Reid
Director of Regulations and Monitoring, Early Childhood Commission (ECC), Dr. Tracy-Ann Morgan-Smith

The Full Story

Operators of early-childhood institutions (ECIs) are being encouraged to register their organisations with the Early Childhood Commission (ECC) to be able to operate legally in Jamaica.

ECIs are governed by the Early Childhood Act and Regulations 2005, which outline the requirements of these institutions.

Operators who act in contravention of the Law can be fined a sum not exceeding $250,000 or imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months.

Director of Regulations and Monitoring at the ECC, Dr. Tracy-Ann Morgan-Smith, told JIS News that there are 2,431 ECIs operating islandwide, 68 of which are deemed delinquent or unregulated.

She pointed out that in instances where institutions are unregistered but pose no health and safety threat to the children, they may be allowed to remain open while they regularise their operations.

“Presently, none of these unregulated institutions pose a health or safety risk or any danger to the children, and we have been working with them to help them become compliant,” Dr. Morgan-Smith informed.

Registered ECIs are required to display their permit to operate, or a certificate of registration as proof of compliance with the ECC.

Failure to do so is an offence and those culpable can be fined up to $25,000.

Violations of the Act include health and safety issues, infliction of corporal punishment on a child, and the employment of a person with a criminal record.

These infractions can lead to suspension of a permit to operate, revocation of registration or closure of the institution.

“Where it is found that the welfare of children at an ECI has been or is likely to be endangered, a closure notice is effected,” Dr. Morgan-Smith informed.

She pointed out that the Minister of Education and Youth, based on the ECC’s report and findings, has the power to issue a closure notice.

For further information, persons may visit the ECC at Shops 44-49, Kingston Mall, 8-10 Ocean Boulevard, downtown Kingston, or call 876-922-9296.

Last Updated: March 30, 2024

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