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Diaspora Conference Facilitated 240 Business Meetings

By: , June 20, 2013
Diaspora Conference Facilitated 240 Business Meetings
Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Hon. Arnaldo Brown, addressing the closing session of the 5th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference at the Montego Bay Convention Centre, in St. James On June 19. The Conference was held from June 16 to 19 under the theme: 'A nation on a mission: Jamaica-Diaspora partnership for development'.

The Full Story

Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Hon. Arnaldo Brown, has reported that 240 business meetings were facilitated at the 5th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference.

He also noted that several investments will be coming into the country as a result of the links made at the three-day event, which ended on June 19 at the Montego Bay Convention Centre, in St. James.

“The 240 meetings were facilitated among 14 investors on 30 local projects. That is significant. Out of that, seven investors indicated that they were desirous of making equity investments in 17 projects, and have requested additional information from these project owners,” the State Minister said at the closing ceremony.

“JAMPRO is going to follow-up with these (prospective investors), and the country will hear more about the investments. The future of Jamaica is extremely bright,” the State Minister added.

He noted that some 600 delegates attended the conference, and reiterated that Jamaicans overseas are committed to their country.

“The important story is not the size of the conference, it is the commitment of Jamaicans to Jamaica,” Mr. Brown said.

There were deliberations on the soon to be published Jamaica International Migration and Development Policy at the conference, which among other things will seek to minimize culture shock and prepare migrating Jamaicansfor assimilation, so they can contribute to the development of both Jamaica and their host countries. It will also assist in tracking the number of those who will be joining the Diaspora.

“Our objective is to prepare our people to deal with the challenges that they will face in different spaces, and to let them know that if things don’t work elsewhere, they can return home, anytime they are ready. We want Jamaicans to know that this is their home, and once you are ready to return, we are ready to receive you,” Mr. Brown said.

Contact: Garfield L. Angus

Last Updated: July 24, 2013

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