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Custos Shagoury Gives $4 Million in Donation to Clarendon Health Team

By: , April 22, 2021
Custos Shagoury Gives $4 Million in Donation to Clarendon Health Team
Photo: Contributed
Custos William ‘Billy’ Shagoury.
Custos Shagoury Gives $4 Million in Donation to Clarendon Health Team
Photo: Contributed
Custos William ‘Billy’ Shagoury donates a microwave to the May Pen Hospital in Clarendon. Customer Service Manager, Faith Sterling accepts the donation.
Custos Shagoury Gives $4 Million in Donation to Clarendon Health Team
Photo: Contributed
Parish Manager for the Clarendon Health Services, Joseph Grant (right) expresses gratitude to Custos William ‘Billy’ Shagoury (2nd right) for his donation to the Clarendon Health Services and the Clarendon police for his donation. Photographed also are representatives of the Clarendon Police Station and the May Pen Hospital.

The Full Story

The Clarendon Health Services (CHS) in Clarendon has benefitted from more than $4 million in donation, from Custos Rotulorum of Clarendon, Hon. William ‘Billy’ Shagoury, to support the fight against the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Recently, the Custos donated to the CHS, the May Pen Hospital and May Pen Health Centre in Clarendon 32,000 surgical and N95 masks, two tables, 16 chairs, two recliners and four thermometers. Custos Shagoury also donated gowns, a microwave and care packages for the mentally ill persons in the parish and food items for staff. Five thousand masks were also shared with the Clarendon police to assist with their fight against the pandemic.

Custos Shagoury, who used his personal funds, explained that he has always recognized the importance of healthcare workers and supporting them with needed resources.

“I have seen how the healthcare workers worked hard and put their lives on the line; putting their families’ lives at risk. I was there with them from March giving them encouragement and was able to get some items for them at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic” Custos Shagoury said.

He added that he continues to support healthcare in Clarendon because of the people, adding that: “I do it for the betterment of the people of Clarendon and for my healthcare workers because they are special to me. I denied my family and myself of things so I could give to the healthcare workers. I think that our healthcare workers in Clarendon are the best. They put their lives on the line and at risk everyday and I am grateful to have people like that to do the work that they do” Custos Shagoury explained.

Parish Manager for the Clarendon Health Services, Joseph Grant said the Clarendon health team is extremely grateful for the continued kindness and selfless contribution of Custos Shagoury during this COVID-19 pandemic and before.

“Custos Shagoury has always been contributing to the development of healthcare in Clarendon over the years and we are sincerely grateful. From the onset of the Pandemic in March 2020 he has been donating alcohol, sanitizers, masks, other Personal Protective Equipment and other items. He has always been willing and we are grateful for his assistance because it has given us more support in protecting ourselves as we perform our daily duties. The personal contribution to staff members has allowed them to feel appreciated while boosting their performance and for that we are happy” Mr. Grant said.

Last Updated: April 22, 2021

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