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Custodes Charged to Help Inspire Jamaicans

By: , February 15, 2018

The Key Point:

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, is calling on custodes to use their office to inspire Jamaicans to play an active role in the country’s development.
Custodes Charged to Help Inspire Jamaicans
Photo: Donald De La Haye
Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen (left), exchanges greetings with retired Custos of St. James, the Hon. Ewen Corrodus, during the annual custodes luncheon on February 13 at King’s House.

The Facts

  • “I urge you to continue to use your skills, knowledge and understanding of the pertinent issues to successfully surmount the challenges and obstacles... which will propel the nation forward,” he further urged.
  • The Governor- General was speaking at the annual custodes luncheon held on Tuesday (February 8) at King’s House. He met with the custos of each parish prior to the luncheon for an update on their activities.

The Full Story

Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, is calling on custodes to use their office to inspire Jamaicans to play an active role in the country’s development.

“As custodes, who are representatives of this constitutional office, I urge you to use your mandate as a platform to empower and inspire Jamaicans, and young people, in particular, to seize opportunities that will enable them to improve themselves and make Jamaica a better place,” he said.

“I urge you to continue to use your skills, knowledge and understanding of the pertinent issues to successfully surmount the challenges and obstacles… which will propel the nation forward,” he further urged.

The Governor-General was speaking at the annual custodes luncheon held on Tuesday (February 13) at King’s House. He met with the custos of each parish prior to the luncheon for an update on their activities.

The ceremony featured the presentation of a citation to retired Custos of St. James, Hon. Ewen Corrodus, who demitted office on January 31 after serving eight and a half years as the Governor-General’s representative in the parish.

During his tenure, Mr. Corrodus was actively involved with the work of the justices of the peace, the Lay Magistrates Association, and represented the Governor-General at various local events.

He is succeeded by Bishop Conrad Pitkin, who was sworn in on January 29.

Mr. Pitkin is a senior pastor of the Faith Temple Assembly of God in Montego Bay.

Last Updated: February 15, 2018

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