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Curphey Home Receives $25,000

December 20, 2008

The Full Story

Curphey Home, in Manchester, a shelter for ex-soldiers, has received a donation of $25,000, from Lyn’s Funeral Home, to carry out minor repairs at the facility.
Director of the funeral home, Calvin Lyn, told JIS News that he made the gesture, because he wanted to show his personal appreciation to the ex- soldiers, for giving of themselves to defend the country, mainly in World War 1.
“These persons put their lives at stake for us, they defended the country and the world, and so it is fitting that we, as private and corporate citizens, do what we can to have them in a comfortable surrounding,” Mr. Lyn said.
In accepting the gift, Superintendent of Curphey Home, Clifton Irwin, said the money came at a good time, as a number of doors need to be replaced.
“It’s a good gesture from Lyn’s Funeral Home, and I am proceeding immediately to purchase some doors that we need to replace. The residents here are grateful for the gift, and with Mr. Lyn and his wife rapping with them, it has lifted their spirits. It has also given us an early Christmas,” Mr. Irwin said.
Curphey Home has 16 residents, 15 males and a female, ranging from 67 to 91 years of age.

Last Updated: December 20, 2008

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