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Contract Signed for Four State Entities to Receive Modern and Efficient Air Conditioning Systems

By: , December 11, 2013

The Key Point:

JIS is among four State entities that will receive modern and efficient air conditioning systems.
Contract Signed for Four State Entities to Receive Modern and Efficient Air Conditioning Systems
Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Phillip Paulwell (seated centre), signs a US$2.65 million contract with Geddes Refrigeration Limited for the design, supply and retrofitting of efficient air conditioning solutions in four State entities, at the Ministry’s New Kingston offices on December 11. Others sharing in the moment are: Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Hilary Alexander (seated left), Chief Executive Officer, Geddes Refrigeration Limited, Roy Lafayette (seated right); Principal Director in the Ministry, Fitzroy Vidal (standing left); Minister of State in the Ministry, Hon. Julian Robinson and Acting Project Manager, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme, Leon Fraser.

The Facts

  • Geddes Refrigeration Limited has been awarded the contract in the sum of US$2.65 million.
  • The Minister pointed out that as a result of the Government’s agreement with the IMF, spending by the administration has to be lowered.

The Full Story

The Jamaica Information Service (JIS) is among four State entities that will receive modern and efficient air conditioning systems, as part of the Government’s drive to reduce the energy bill in the public sector.

The other entities are: Kingston Public Hospital; Donald Sangster Building, which is the Tax Administration Jamaica complex on East Street, in Kingston; and the Montego Bay Revenue Service Centre.

Geddes Refrigeration Limited has been awarded the contract in the sum of US$2.65 million, and will involve the design, supply and retrofitting of efficient air conditioning solutions.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, on December 11, at the Ministry’s New Kingston offices, Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Phillip Paulwell, said the systems are expected to reduce energy consumption in the entities and will, over time, reduce Jamaica’s oil import bill.

“(It is aimed at) cutting electric energy, which is at a cost of US$0.42 cents per kilowatt hour. We recognise that the Government has to lead the way in terms of the greater utilisation of renewables, but more so, on our energy conservation and efficiency programme. It is going to take many years, but we are now moving (faster) to implement the project,” he said.

The Minister pointed out that as a result of the Government’s agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), spending by the administration has to be lowered.

Meanwhile, Acting Project Manager, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme, Leon Fraser, informed that implementation work will commence in January, adding that stakeholder meetings have already begun.

Chief Executive Officer, Geddes Refrigeration Limited, Roy Lafayette, noted that the work will be undertaken over a six-month period.

“We have already met with all the departments and we have full support… and I am looking forward…to seeing massive savings for the country,” he said.

The contract forms part of a US$20 million loan agreement for an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programme, which the Government entered into with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in 2011.

Specific activities under the programme include: replacing incandescent and inefficient fluorescent lighting systems with much higher efficiency LED fittings; improving the insulation and sealing of building envelopes, to reduce heat loading and air conditioning requirements.

Also included is replacing old and inefficient air conditioning systems immediately, following the building envelope retrofits; implementing a system for monitoring and evaluating to ensure the sustainability of the initiative; and identifying and training, within Ministries, teams of ‘energy wardens’ and operating maintenance personnel to ensure that the aims of the programme are achieved.

Last Updated: December 11, 2013

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