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Construction a Key Growth Pillar – Dr. Henry

By: , March 18, 2024
Construction a Key Growth Pillar – Dr. Henry
Photo: JIS File
Chairman of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Dr. Wayne Henry.
Construction a Key Growth Pillar – Dr. Henry
Photo: Dave Reid
Managing Director of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Omar Sweeney.

The Full Story

Chairman of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), Dr. Wayne Henry, says the construction industry is one of the key growth pillars of the economy.

“This is evident in the Sector Plan for Construction, one of the 31 sector plans that form the foundation for the Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan,” he noted.

Dr. Henry, who was addressing a recent JSIF contractors’ seminar at the Courtyard by Marriott in New Kingston, noted that at the time of drafting Vision 2030, it was envisioned that the country would develop a dynamic and internationally competitive construction sector, with the flexibility and creativity to adopt new construction technologies that may emerge over the long-term.

As such, he said, it is imperative that contractors remain on the cutting edge of construction innovation through important knowledge exchanges.

The seminar on project planning and execution was targeted at contractors who wish to bid for JSIF’s proposals on national infrastructure projects.

It provided an avenue for participants to learn more about the requisite construction practices and procurement guidelines.

Managing Director of the JSIF, Omar Sweeney, in his remarks, said that the construction industry is a major economic driver.

He said that the sector is a vital component of the country’s development and infrastructure growth and has a high demand in the areas of residential and commercial spaces.

Noting the critical link with other sectors, Mr. Sweeney said that the success of any building project relies on collaboration among key stakeholders such as engineers, architects and quantity surveyors.

“Hence, it is imperative to foster open communication and continuous dialogue through effective fora such as this seminar,” he noted.

Mr. Sweeney said that for over 27 years, JSIF has maintained its position as a leading project management agency and has consistently implemented hundreds of solid infrastructure development projects.

He noted that the entity executed projects amounting to more than three billion dollars during a one-year period.

These are largely funded by the Government of Jamaica, World Bank, The European Union and the Caribbean Development Bank, Mr. Sweeney noted.

JSIF is an agency of the Government of Jamaica with portfolio responsibility for the implementation of several major infrastructure projects across Jamaica, predominantly in vulnerable communities.

Last Updated: March 18, 2024

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