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CLA Among The World’s Top-Two Regulators Of The Cannabis Industry

By: , September 30, 2019

The Key Point:

Canadian businessman and former Chief Executive Officer of Canopy Growth Corporation, Bruce Linton, says the Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) has instituted one of the best cannabis regulatory systems in the world.
CLA Among The World’s Top-Two Regulators Of The Cannabis Industry
Photo: Contributed
Canadian businessman and former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Canopy Growth Corporation, Bruce Linton (centre) with (from left) CEO of Dawa Cannabis Limited, Olanzo Jarett; and Founder of CanEx Jamaica and Chairman of Zimmer and Co., Douglas Gordon, at the CanEx Jamaica Business Conference and Expo 2019 held recently in St. James.
CLA Among The World’s Top-Two Regulators Of The Cannabis Industry
Photo: Contributed
Director, Research Development and Communications at the Cannabis Licensing Authority, Felicia Bailey (left), interacts with an attendee at CanEx Jamaica Business Conference and Expo, held recently in St. James.

The Facts

  • “They have created a platform that works very quickly. When I look at the chain of custody for where the products come through and the social presentation of it where it is actually accessible, but still very challenging to the illicit market, I think that makes the regulatory system in Jamaica among the top two in the world,” he explained.
  • He was speaking at the CanEx Jamaica Business Conference and Expo held in Montego Bay, St. James, last week.

The Full Story

Canadian businessman and former Chief Executive Officer of Canopy Growth Corporation, Bruce Linton, says the Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) has instituted one of the best cannabis regulatory systems in the world.

“They have created a platform that works very quickly. When I look at the chain of custody for where the products come through and the social presentation of it where it is actually accessible, but still very challenging to the illicit market, I think that makes the regulatory system in Jamaica among the top two in the world,” he explained.

He was speaking at the CanEx Jamaica Business Conference and Expo held in Montego Bay, St. James, last week.

Mr. Linton noted that the Jamaican cannabis system is similar to that of Canada’s.

“When I walk around and see how the facilities are here, it’s like a half twist on the Canadian system, but they made it more effective. When you get to the point of sale, it is 10 times better and the branding is better, so if you want to win against the illicit market, you will have to have branding and have control; so I have been quite impressed,” he stated.

The CLA, an agency of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, was established in 2015 under the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act, (DDA) with a specific role to establish and regulate Jamaica’s legal ganja and hemp industry.

Through its Licensing and Applications Division and Enforcement and Monitoring Division, the CLA ensures that applications are appropriately reviewed, licences are issued to suitable applicants and that licensees are held accountable to the terms and conditions of their licence.

So far, the Authority has issued a total of 44 licences and an additional 11 are pending issuance.

Work is currently being done on the import/export regulations for the industry. When this is promulgated, Jamaica will be one of 10 countries in the world with an export regime.

Last Updated: September 30, 2019

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