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Canada Advocates for the Protection of Marine Resources at Home and Abroad

By: , June 25, 2021
Canada Advocates for the Protection of Marine Resources  at Home and Abroad
Photo: Contributed
(L-R) Ms Heather Pinnock, Group General Manager of the Urban Development Corporation, High Commissioner of Canada, Emina Tudakovic and Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal Environment and Climate Change, HURECC, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr. at the Canada Conversations Webinar hosted by the High Commission of Canada to discuss partnership on e-Protecting Jamaica’s Marine Resources, the Environment and Climate Change. The event was held on Thursday, June 24, 2021 at the High Commission.

The Full Story

At a Conversations Canada webinar held on Thursday, June 24, 2021, and hosted by the Trade Section of the Canadian High Commission, High Commissioner Emina Tudakovic, extended a hand of partnership to the Government of Jamaica to work together to increase conservation and protection of marine resources. This Conversations Canada event highlighted Canadian expertise in marine ecology and the benefits of deploying advanced technology in national conservation, protection and preservation efforts.

High Commissioner Tudakovic was joined by the Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr, Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment & Climate Change, to discuss e-Protecting Jamaica’s Marine Resources, the Environment and Climate Change. “Our oceans provide a wealth of opportunity when approached from the position of sustainability and environmental stewardship. Canada looks forward to working alongside Jamaica on climate and economic resilience,” said High Commissioner Tudakovic.

In his address, Hon. Charles acknowledged the longstanding partnership and friendly relations between Canada and Jamaica. He also reiterated the Government of Jamaica’s priorities in protecting marine resources and coastal communities. The discussion was ably moderated by Ms Heather Pinnock, Group General Manager of the Urban Development Corporation, and also examined some of the conservation measures and tools needed for marine protection and the need for greater public education on the important role of marine resources. The panel was complemented with expert contributions from Dr Dayne Buddo, renowned Marine Ecologist and Director of the Bay Academy based in San Francisco, USA and Dr Christine Ward-Paige, Founder and CEO of eOceans Canada.

Canada is an ocean nation with the longest coastline in the world. Canadians rely on healthy marine ecosystems to sustain the economy, food supply, and coastal communities. But the ocean is a shared resource that requires a global effort to ensure marine conservation. That is why the Government of Canada is joining other countries to advocate for international action to increase the conservation and protection of our oceans by 2030. The Government of Canada will continue to work toward its ambitious target of protecting 25 per cent of marine and coastal areas by 2025, working toward 30 per cent by 2030.

Last Updated: June 25, 2021

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