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Blue Cross Awards 27 Scholarships to GSAT Students

August 22, 2006

The Full Story

Blue Cross of Jamaica has awarded 27 scholarships to students who have excelled in the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT). The total cost for this year’s scholarships is valued at more than $1.8 million.
Every year, Blue Cross of Jamaica awards scholarships to the children of public and private sector subscribers who have excelled in the GSAT examinations. Last year’s scholarships were valued at $1.6 million.
“As a healthcare organization, Blue Cross is fully committed to the development of a healthy nation and we have been demonstrating this in a number of ways. Our interest in education is therefore not unusual, because we firmly believe that an educated mind is a healthy mind, which leads to a healthy body and a healthy environment,” said Professor Errol Morrison, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Blue Cross of Jamaica.
He was speaking at the handing over of the scholarships today (August 22), at the Knutsford Court Hotel in Kingston.
The Blue Cross Scholarship Programme was introduced 13 years ago, as a response to the need to reward students and parents for work well done in the preparation for entrance into the secondary level. The recipients of the scholarships are selected in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and Youth.
In her address, Her Excellency Mrs. Rheima Hall, wife of the Governor- General, said she was pleased to be associated with a project that has established a partnership between Blue Cross Jamaica Limited and the education system.
“This project, by its scope and by the number of beneficiaries, is sending a message of hope, not only to those receiving these scholarships but to the entire nation. It is further evidence of corporate Jamaica understanding the vital link between the quality of education and the future development of our country,” said Mrs. Hall.
She noted that all the policy recommendations of national and international agencies have pointed to the necessity of providing a high quality education for all, from early childhood to the university level.
Mrs. Hall stressed that the awardees should take seriously their responsibilities to ensure that this generous commitment of scarce resources is properly utilized.
“They have the responsibility to build on the achievements of their parents, and to display a commitment to the creation of a Jamaica in which excellence, social justice, and good governance, are some of the characteristics,” she said.
She also encouraged the recipients to develop themselves into well rounded individuals.
“I want to urge you to interpret these awards as a signal to encourage you to make a commitment to participate actively in building a wholesome, authentic and crime free society,” Mrs. Hall said.
Of the 27 scholarships, 12 have been granted to the children of the Government Employees Administrative Services Health Scheme managed by Blue Cross. The other 15 scholarships have been granted to the children of Blue Cross employees.

Last Updated: August 22, 2006

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