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Be Prepared for Natural Disasters – Morrison

January 28, 2005

The Full Story

Disaster Co-ordinator for St. Elizabeth, Yvonne Morrison, has encouraged residents of the parish to be prepared for natural disasters, especially floods, earthquakes and hurricanes.
She was speaking at a disaster preparedness workshop organised by the St. Elizabeth Disaster Committee as part of activities to mark Earthquake Awareness Week. At the workshop, which was held at the Brompton Primary School, Ms. Morrison highlighted some of the steps to be taken in the event of a fire, earthquake or flood.
She said that preparation was key in the event of an earthquake and that there should be emergency kits at the home, school and office. “You should also practise earthquake drills,” she said, adding that care should be taken to identify and properly secure items that could fall and cause injury.
“During the earthquake, try to remain calm and if you are inside, stay there and get under a study desk or table ensuring that your body is covered,” she advised.
The Parish Disaster Co-ordinator cautioned that once the earth tremors had subsided, there should not be a mad rush to the exit as this could lead to a stampede. “If you are outside stay there and avoid hazards that can cause injury. If you are in a vehicle, drive away from bridges and be prepared for aftershocks,” she said.
In terms of flooding, she urged persons living in flood prone areas to be particularly cautions and put an emergency plan in place.
“Know where your emergency shelters are located, untie domestic animals and drive to higher ground. During a flood, also listen to your radios for emergency information, elevate appliances and furniture, shut off electricity at the fuse panel and evacuate early before escape routes become impassable,” she advised.

Last Updated: January 28, 2005

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