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Annotto Bay Police Station Refurbished

July 4, 2005

The Full Story

The Annotto Bay police station in St. Mary has benefited from extensive refurbishing work at a cost of $5 million, through the collaborative efforts of a number of private sector companies.
The work was spearheaded by the Friends of Annotto Bay, and comprised the Insurance Company of the West Indies (ICWI), the National Commercial Bank, Jamaica Producers Protection and Security Limited, Broadway House and Jamaica National Building Society.
National Security Minister, Dr. Peter Phillips, who gave the main address at the reopening ceremony on June 30, lauded the companies involved, noting that the initiative represented the level of cooperation that was needed to build an effective police force.
Encouraging other private sector organisations to emulate the example set by the Friends of Annotto Bay, Dr. Phillips said he was hopeful that more corporate entities would join in the effort to create improved working conditions for the security force.He noted that, security was a costly venture, which required significant levels of investment to provide officers with appropriate working environments and adequate resources to fight crime.
Asserting that government was fully committed to providing the police with the support and resources they needed, Dr. Phillips said despite a tight budget situation, a number of police stations had benefited from “significant repairs.”
He noted that St. Mary had benefited from these repair efforts, with work done on the Retreat and Castleton police stations, while a new facility was being constructed at Port Maria.

Last Updated: July 4, 2005

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