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Alpart Launches 2005 School Safety Programme

January 28, 2005

The Full Story

Darrel Harriman, General Manager of Alumina Partners of Jamaica (ALPART), has encouraged educational institutions across Jamaica to adopt proper safety standards.
He was speaking at the official launch of the 2005 Home, Street, School Safety (HSS) programme at the ALPART Sports Club in St. Elizabeth. The company started the programme in 1990, with the aim of helping students to develop sound safety habits in their everyday lives.
“Today, I am proud to say that for more than 15 years, we have piloted this very successful safety motivation programme for all-age and primary school children in our operating area in South St. Elizabeth. roughly this translates to us reaching some 10,000 students from the 17 participating schools that are in our mining area,” Mr. Harriman informed.
During the annual six-month programme, students benefit from a wide range of safety training activities and educational tools such as essays, quiz contests, drama, music, and lectures are used to impart the benefits of sound safety practices at home, on the streets, and in school.
Activities started earlier in the month with an intensive leadership-training course for 70 safety monitors appointed from student bodies to supervise the programme during the school year.
The programme will culminate in June with the annual Safety Fair and Exhibition, at which time, schools will get the opportunity to display what they have learnt to members of the public and to ALPART employees.
Schools will receive educational incentives and prizes for outstanding performances in categories of record keeping, accident prevention, innovativeness, poster displays, and general safety practices.
Mr. Harriman said that his company was extremely grateful for the help and support that the wider community has given to the programme over the years.
The HSS programme was recognized in 1993 as an outstanding community safety programme by the World Safety Council.

Last Updated: January 28, 2005

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