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Alcoa Pleased With its Operation in Jamaica

September 1, 2009

The Full Story

Executive Vice President for Alcoa’s Global Primary Products (GPP), Bernt Reitan, has expressed confidence in the way that Jamalco has handled its mining operation in Jamaica.
“Global Primary Products has had challenges, we have however fared far better than most, because we have never lost our business fundamentals,”
Mr. Reitan told stakeholders at the official commissioning of the new Conveyor System at Jamalco’s Mount Oliphant operation, Manchester on Friday (August 28).
He added that every Alcoa location where strategic initiatives have been implemented, will be more competitive when the current economic crisis ends.
“I am pleased that Jamalco continues to make the kind of technological and strategic investments, such as this Rope Conveyor System that will ensure that its operations remain on the cutting edge, and have the capacity to deliver value,” he said.
“This project underscores Alcoa’s commitment to Jamaica, and will be pivotal to the transfer of bauxite from the South Manchester mining area to St. Jago,” he added.
He said that his company has always subscribed to the view that environmental responsibility plays a critical role in enlightened business, and that the commissioning of the rope conveyor belt not only represents technological innovation in bauxite transportation, but epitomizes sustainable values.
“It is built with mechanism for dust containment, noise reduction and the generation of renewable energy, a win-win development which balances our sustainability values with the business benefits that flow from our investments,” he stated.
The Alcoa boss said that the global economic crisis is reshaping the way business is conducted, and that Alcoa’s philosophy of putting sustainability at the centre of planning has helped it to keep ahead in the market.

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

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