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Agricultural Production up in Hanover

October 8, 2006

The Full Story

For the April to June quarter this year, agricultural production in Hanover increased by 42 per cent, when compared to the similar period in 2005.
In an interview with JIS News, Deputy Parish Manager with the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) in Hanover, Ransford Barnes, pointed out that there was also a 29 per cent increase in the hectares of land planted during the April to June period in 2006, when compared with the similar period last year.
He pointed out that farmers in the parish planted approximately 223 hectares of land during the period in 2006, as against 173 hectares in 2005. Some 2,841 tonnes of crops were reaped during the quarter in 2006, as against 1,998 tonnes in the corresponding quarter last year.
Mr. Barnes identified vegetables and plantains as the crops that have contributed significantly to the increase in production in the parish during the period, adding that the farmers have established a number of new fields.
He told JIS News that the RADA office has established a nursery, which is supplying the farmers with top grade seedlings at very reasonable prices, and this is contributing to the increase in production. Additionally, he cited the numerous assistance programmes that are in place for the farmers, good weather condition over the period and on-going training seminars being carried out by the RADA officers.
Mr. Barnes said there is still a need to get more young people involved in farming in the parish. “Young people are coming into farming but not at the rate that we would really like. So, the increase in output and production in this parish still rests mainly on the farmers who have been involved over a period of time,” he pointed out. Mr. Barnes said that the farmers have several outlets for their crops, as they are sold to higglers, exporters, supermarkets and hotels.
The Deputy Parish Manager told JIS News that he was optimistic that the trend of increased production would continue.

Last Updated: October 8, 2006

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