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Action Needed To Mitigate Public Health Risks

By: , April 8, 2022
Action Needed To Mitigate Public Health Risks
Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton

The Full Story

Minister of Health and Wellness Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, is calling on Jamaicans to do what is necessary to mitigate the risk factors that can lead to public health threats.

This, the Minister said, includes the improper disposal of solid waste, which can contribute to issues such as mosquito breeding which fuels diseases such as dengue.

In his address to mark World Health Day (WHD) which was observed on Thursday (April 7) under the theme ‘Our Planet, Our Health’, Minister Tufton pointed out that WHD 2022 creates “a platform from which to pivot as we take stock of current challenges, from the ongoing pandemic to a polluted planet and an increasing incidence of diseases”.

He argued that the theme reflects a call to action that reinforces the need to rebuild, following the devastation of COVID-19, through the adoption of an approach that prioritises the health of the planet. “Our success will mean that individuals will be able to live in a healthy environment that is enabling to their physical and mental health,” the Minister stated.

Dr. Tufton pointed out that the past two years have been dominated by efforts to stem the tide of COVID-19. Large amounts of resources have been mobilised to drive interventions to prevent serious illness, hospitalisation and/or death.

“We need now to commit a similar level of effort to raising awareness and finding solutions to the other issues affecting our health – not the least of these, the health of the environment,” he noted.

The Minister cited data from the World Health Organisation (WHO) which he said shows that globally, an estimated one million premature deaths per year are attributable to known avoidable environmental risks.

“The improper disposal of waste also contributes to clogged drains and sewer systems which can cause flooding, leading to loss of life and the destruction of property. Garbage in our drains can also make its way into the sea, from where it can destroy marine life,” Minister Tufton lamented.

The Minister contended that the resolution needed goes beyond the scope of the health sector.

He is therefore calling for a whole-of-society approach to building a healthier Jamaica and, by extension, a healthier world, which he indicated would be an effective response.

Last Updated: April 8, 2022

Jamaica Information Service