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Gov’t Determined to Ensure Proper Usage of the Roads by Motorists

By: , November 28, 2022
Gov’t Determined to Ensure Proper Usage of the Roads by Motorists
Photo: JIS File
Minister of Justice, Hon. Delroy Chuck.

The Full Story

Minister of Justice, Hon. Delroy Chuck, says the Government is determined to ensure that motorists adhere to laws relating to proper usage of the roads.

Mr. Chuck says this is imperative to address the incidence of reckless driving, wanton disregard for human life, and general flouting of the law by some motorists which, he notes, is resulting in the spate of fatalities occurring on Jamaica’s roads.

The Minister was addressing Justices of the Peace (JPs) and legal fraternity stakeholders in St. James during a meeting at the Montego Bay Convention Centre, on November 24.

Data from the Road Safety Unit (RSU) in the Ministry of Transport and Mining show that 484 persons died as a result of motor vehicle accidents in 2021. This represents the highest number of road fatalities recorded in the last 10 years.

Mr. Chuck said far too many motorists believe they are above the law and, as such, engage in reckless behaviour which potentially endangers the lives of other road users.

Additionally, he said the parish courts are being overwhelmed by cases related to traffic violations which, he pointed out, account for 70 per cent of the matters listed.

The Minister further noted that the resources of hospitals islandwide are being challenged by the spate of admissions resulting from motor vehicle accidents.

“The new Road Traffic Act will come into operation soon. [The] one thing that we are determined [to do], as a Government… is to ensure that the rule of law and the road code [is] respected,” the Minister maintained.

Mr. Chuck expressed confidence that the new Act will be supported by well-thinking Jamaicans, while assuring that “we, as a government, intend [to ensure] that our roads… become safe places.”

“We are working diligently towards [the Road Traffic Act’s implementation], and those who are determined to break the law will know that there are consequences in doing so,” he added.

Mr. Chuck urged JPs to bond together and do what is best for Jamaica.

He maintained that there are adequate positives on which to build, adding “we all have a role to play to make this country a place we can all be proud of.”

Last Updated: November 28, 2022

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