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Jamalco Awards 70 Scholarships Despite Major Fire

By: , July 28, 2022
Jamalco Awards 70 Scholarships Despite Major Fire
Photo: Michael Sloley
Chief Education Officer (Acting) in the Ministry of Education and Youth, Dr Kasan Troupe (left), presents Jasmine Collins (right) with a commitment letter of education assistance from Jamalco, during a ceremony at the Halse Hall Great House in Clarendon on Wednesday (July 27). Looking on is Jamalco's Managing Director, Austin Mooney.
Jamalco Awards 70 Scholarships Despite Major Fire
Photo: Michael Sloley
Chief Education Officer (Acting) in the Ministry of Education and Youth, Dr Kasan Troupe (left), speaks with Jamalco's Managing Director, Austin Mooney, at the presentation ceremony for the company's education assistance awards. The event was held at the Halse Hall Great House in Clarendon on Wednesday (July 27).
Jamalco Awards 70 Scholarships Despite Major Fire
Photo: Michael Sloley
Jamalco's Managing Director, Austin Mooney (fifth right, front row) and Corporate Services Manager, Donna Marie Brooks (sixth right, front row) with the company's 2022 scholarship recipients following a presentation ceremony on Wednesday (July 27) at the Halse Hall Great House in Hayes, Clarendon.

The Full Story

Chief Education Officer (Acting) in the Ministry of Education and Youth, Dr Kasan Troupe, has applauded bauxite and alumina company, Jamalco, for continuing with its annual scholarship programme, despite suffering a major fire last September.

For this academic year, 70 students across Clarendon and Manchester received scholarships and grants from the company totalling $10 million. The awards were presented in a ceremony at the Halse Hall Great House in Hayes, Clarendon, on Wednesday (July 27).

Delivering the keynote address, Dr Troupe noted: “Even with the disruption here, it [the scholarship programme] is on the agenda, and it tells me that Jamalco understands its corporate social responsibility.”

She encouraged the recipients not to take the investment lightly, as “it’s a year when there is not much and they (Jamalco) are still committed, so you have to demonstrate your own commitment… to your excellence, positive self-belief and resilience”.

In his remarks, Managing Director, Austin Mooney, informed that the scholarships underscore the company’s dedication to education and to advancing the communities in which it operates.

Chief Education Officer (Acting) in the Ministry of Education and Youth, Dr Kasan Troupe (left), speaks with Jamalco’s Managing Director, Austin Mooney, at the presentation ceremony for the company’s education assistance awards. The event was held at the Halse Hall Great House in Clarendon on Wednesday (July 27).

“Despite the setback we had with the fire and despite the fact that we’ve had no income since last September and we’re only now beginning to restart our operations, we found a way to continue with this programme,” Mr. Mooney pointed out.

“We’re acutely aware that no matter the challenges we face as a company, if we were to withdraw support, it could derail the hopes and ambitions of many people,” he explained.

Jamalco’s education assistance programme has been a feature of the company for the past 16 years. A minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 and demonstrated financial need are among the criteria for selection.

The 70 recipients, who were selected from a field of more than 350 applicants this year, include 24 multi-year awardees who, based on academic performance, continue to receive the support of the company.

Jamalco’s Managing Director, Austin Mooney (fifth right, front row) and Corporate Services Manager, Donna Marie Brooks (sixth right, front row) with the company’s 2022 scholarship recipients following a presentation ceremony on Wednesday (July 27) at the Halse Hall Great House in Hayes, Clarendon.

Among them is aspiring engineer and Jamalco mentee, Rayon Cunningham, who declared his gratitude for the investment of the company in his education.

“I would not have the same access to an amazing education that provides great learning opportunities and individual growth. Through Jamalco’s support, my education is attainable,” he attested.

Marketing student, Shion Campbell, describes herself as a ‘first-generation college student’ and reflected that “nothing in my wildest dreams would have predicted that I could have a chance at tertiary education”.

She vowed to use education as a “way out for my low-income family” and said she is looking forward to making meaningful contributions to society.

Addressing fellow recipients, Ms. Campbell charged: “You have now been given the weapon to change the world; go ahead and use it.”

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