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Kamol Williams – Applying Technology to Healthcare

By: , July 27, 2022
Kamol Williams – Applying Technology to Healthcare
Photo: Donald de la Haye
Systems Administrator at the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Kamol Williams

The Full Story

Growing up, Kamol Williams wanted nothing more than to enhance his country’s healthcare system while simultaneously pursuing a career in technology.

Uncertain of how he could merge his two passions, Mr. Williams was compelled to put aside his aspirations of venturing into the healthcare system.

In 2017, he graduated from the University of the West Indies with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, still hoping for an opportunity to venture into healthcare.

His dream came true in 2019 when he applied for and was offered the role of programmer/analyst at the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MOHW) in Kingston. Since then, he has been impacting healthcare by improving the information and communications technology (ICT) used within the Ministry.

Mr. Williams tells JIS News that he is driven to make his mark in the healthcare system in Jamaica to honour his late father, who passed away at one of the country’s hospitals because of a heart attack and complications from asthma.

“I want to [improve what exists] so that something like this does not happen again. Or, if it does, it is less frequently, because certain measures would be in place to monitor things,” he says.

As a Programmer, he was responsible for maintaining the system applications and software used and provided by the ministry, until he was promoted to Systems Administrator early this year.

Now, he ensures the MOHW’s networks and security are up to date and all servers are working. In addition to that, he leads a group of programmers to complete new projects, carry out maintenance and troubleshooting, and other fixes.

The young professional asserts that he has grown immensely in the three years he has been at the MOHW, especially given the exigencies of his job.

He argues that who he is today is incomparable to the person he was at the beginning of his sojourn.

“The experience, knowledge, and overall wisdom that I have gained from my time here have far exceeded what I thought would ever be possible,” the Systems Administrator notes.

He cites his contribution to customising a reporting software that is used nationally to record COVID-19 cases and vaccination numbers, as one of the highlights of his career.

The experience was sweetened when he assumed one of two database transformation roles, managing the database for the MOHW’s vaccination project, and ensuring that data is captured properly.

“The second thing was that I was on the front line at different health centres monitoring… the application that captures persons… vaccinated at the sites. It was interesting to see how the system captures this information and how healthcare workers interacted with persons who came to get vaccinated,” he adds.

Working during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the value that Williams can provide to the Ministry and Jamaica, which has caused him to appreciate his role more.

He has pledged to continue to advance the healthcare system using technology as the main tool.

Kamol Williams is one of Jamaica’s healthcare heroes who is being recognised during July, which has been declared Healthcare Workers Appreciation Month.

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