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PM Lauds EU as Solid Development Partner

By: , July 20, 2022
PM Lauds EU as Solid Development Partner
Photo: Mark Bell
Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (left), assisted by Deputy Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Jamaica, Fredrik Ekfeldt, cuts ribbon to open the new EU’s office at 8 Fairway Avenue in St. Andrew, on July 19.

The Full Story

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, has lauded the European Union (EU) as a “solid development partner” for Jamaica, providing critical support for human growth.

The Prime Minister, who was speaking at the opening of the EU’s new office at 8 Fairway Avenue in St. Andrew, on July 19, said Jamaica anticipates a deeper and closer collaboration with the EU, based on the principles of “partnership, equity and accountability” on both sides”.

He noted that the EU is the largest provider of grant assistance to the country, with support of more than €190 million.

“Jamaica has received well-needed support in areas such as health, education, climate change, protection of the environment, crime and security, justice and the rule of law. The EU has been a partner with us in all areas of governance,” Mr. Holness told the audience.

The Prime Minister also noted that the EU provided early support to tackle the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

He argued that construction of the office reinforces the EU’s commitment to continue investing in Jamaica’s socio-economic development.

“It also indicates sustained interest in the strengthening of our bilateral partnership and Jamaica’s own commitment to the furthering and deepening of our relationship, and the advancing of our bond and friendship and cooperation, which can only grow stronger as the years progress,” the Prime Minister said.

The EU’s partnership with Jamaica from 2021-2027 will focus on the implementation of reforms to support Jamaica’s goal of achieving an inclusive and resilient digital economy and society; improving the country’s resilience to natural hazards, due to better climate change adaptation and mitigation, and disaster risk management; and providing support to address crime and violence.

All the actions will encompass protection of vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, women and youth.

Aims of the EU within the wider global community are to uphold and promote its values and interests, to contribute to peace and security and the sustainable development of the earth, to contribute to solidarity and mutual respect among peoples, to promote free and fair trade, to eradicate poverty, and to protect human rights.

Last Updated: July 21, 2022

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