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Electronic Warrants Coming for Motorists with Outstanding Tickets

By: , July 20, 2022
Electronic Warrants Coming for Motorists with Outstanding Tickets
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of Justice, Hon. Delroy Chuck, makes his contribution to the debate on the Transport Authority (Amendment) Bill, which was passed in the House of Representatives on July 19.
Electronic Warrants Coming for Motorists with Outstanding Tickets
Photo: Adrian Walker
Minister of Justice, Hon. Delroy Chuck, makes his contribution to the debate on the Transport Authority (Amendment) Bill, which was passed in the House of Representatives on July 19.

The Full Story

The Government is moving to introduce the use of electronic warrants, which will be issued to motorists with outstanding tickets.

Minister of Justice, Hon. Delroy Chuck, made the disclosure during his contribution to the debate on the Transport Authority (Amendment) Bill, which was passed in the House of Representatives on July 19.

The legislation will help to bring into effect the new Road Traffic Act.

Mr. Chuck noted that over the last five years, the police, on average, have issued more than 500,000 tickets per year.

“You have some indiscipline and lawless motorists who feel that these tickets can be ignored, because more than half of them don’t pay. They are collecting traffic tickets like confetti. The

Government needs to respond to ensure that when the police (patrol) the roads and issue tickets, that they are complied with, because we need discipline and order on the roads,” he said.

Mr. Chuck informed that of the 500,000 tickets issued annually over the past five years, an average of 282,000 of these end up in court and fewer than 70,000 are actually paid.

“It means that over 210,000 tickets are not paid, motorists don’t turn up in the courts and it ends up as a burden on the courts, because you have to issue warrants. Just consider having to write up 210,000 warrants. We see the problem,” he said.

“The motorists who have not paid over the last five years and more, let it be noted, we have not given up. We are now not only looking at electronic ticketing, which has started in Kingston and St.

Mr. Chuck also noted that when the provisions of the Road Traffic Act come into effect in a matter of months or weeks, it will make it compulsory for motorists, who want to continue to drive, to pay their tickets or they won’t be able to renew their driver’s licence.

“In fact, it is happening now. Persons who lose their driver’s licence and seek to renew it… they recognise that they have tickets to pay. Many of them run to the Court, have the tickets relisted, pay the fines, so that their licence can be reissued,” Mr. Chuck said.

Meanwhile, Minister of Science, Energy and Technology, Hon. Daryl Vaz, said discussions have taken place regarding the funding that will be required for eGOV Jamaica Limited, to be able to put together the system needed.

“We had discussions and we will seek a way to find the funding to be able to start this process of connecting the court system with the police, with all the various government entities,” Mr. Vaz said.

The Transport Authority (Amendment) Act, 2022 is crucial for the regulation and monitoring of public passenger transport throughout the island.

It is also critical to the Government’s agenda of establishing and maintaining order and discipline in the transport sector.

Last Updated: July 21, 2022

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