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Clerks Record Largest Increase in Employment

By: , October 20, 2019

The Key Point:

Data from the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) shows that “clerks” was the occupational group recording the largest increase in employment, as at July 2019.
Clerks Record Largest Increase in Employment
Photo: Michael Sloley
Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) Director General, Carol Coy, speaking during STATIN’s quarterly media briefing at The Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston on Thursday (October 17).

The Facts

  • Director General, Carol Coy, said the “professionals, senior officials and technicians” category recorded the second largest increase of 7,500 persons, pushing the number of individuals employed in this group to 271,000.
  • Director General, Carol Coy, said the “professionals, senior officials and technicians” category recorded the second largest increase of 7,500 persons, pushing the number of individuals employed in this group to 271,000.

The Full Story

Data from the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) shows that “clerks” was the occupational group recording the largest increase in employment, as at July 2019.

According to STATIN’s July 2019 Labour Force Survey, some 101,300 persons were employed in this group, representing an increase of 19,100 persons or 23.2 per cent, compared to the corresponding period last year.

Director General, Carol Coy, said the “professionals, senior officials and technicians” category recorded the second largest increase of 7,500 persons, pushing the number of individuals employed in this group to 271,000.

Ms. Coy pointed out that females accounted for the larger share of employment in both groups.

She was speaking at STATIN’s quarterly briefing at The Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston on Thursday (October 17).

In relation to the employment by industry groups, Ms. Coy said the largest increases were recorded in construction; public administration and defence; compulsory social security; and real estate, renting and business activities.

She said construction increased by 7,500 persons; public administration and defence, and compulsory social security were up 6,900; and real estate, renting and business activities, by 6,200.

The Director General further advised that the largest increase in male employment of 7,200 persons was recorded in construction, while hotels and restaurants accounted for the largest increase in female employment of 5,300 persons.

The total employed labour force, as at July 2019, increased by 2.6 per cent to 1,254,100 persons, while the number of unemployed individuals declined by 4.8 per cent to 106,700.

The overall labour force totalled 1,360,800 persons as at July.

Last Updated: October 22, 2019

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