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Williamsfield e-Learning lab opened

July 2, 2011

The Full Story

MANDEVILLE — The Willamsfield e-Learning Laboratory, based at the National Workers Union (NWU) building in the town, is now offering computer training to residents.

Speaking at the official launch on Wednesday June 29, 2011, the Principal, Dr. Auma Folkes, said the lab will allow residents to access the Internet, generally work with computers and make themselves more understanding of the age in which they live.

“I pray that the facility will be well developed, where people will take it as a matter of course to walk in and participate,” she commented.

Managing Director of the Universal Access Fund (UAF), Hugh Cross, encouraged the residents to seize the opportunity to access the training being provided.

“The facility is available to all, barring none, and should assist with the transformation of the community,” he said. The Fund provided the computers for the lab.

Acting General Secretary of the NWU, Senator Navel Clarke, said the union was pleased to make the building available, as the project represented building human capital.

“This is one important aspect of development, and we should encourage everyone to make us of it,” Senator Clarke said.

Guest speaker was former President of Northern Caribbean University (NCU), Dr. Herbert Thompson, who described the facility as an indication of the interest in and appreciation being shown for community wellbeing.

“We must not and shall never, in selfishness, give the impression that as long as we have, it doesn’t matter who doesn’t. That is not how the world runs, and that’s not the way Jesus taught us,” he said.

He expressed the hope that everyone in the community will be encouraged to use the facility. The lab opens Mondays to Thursday, between 9 am and 6 pm.



Last Updated: August 8, 2013

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