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Get the Facts – How to Apply for a Public Passenger Vehicle (PPV) Licence

May 31, 2019
Get the Facts – How to Apply for a Public Passenger Vehicle (PPV) Licence

The Full Story

A PPV licensed vehicle can be identified by a red plate and a special sticker on the windscreen. Holders of this licence have the legal authority to carry passengers in their vehicles, along stipulated guidelines.

Applicants for PPV Licences are required to:

• Be age 21 old years or older
• Complete the application form – available on the Transport Authority’s website or at any of its locations
• Submit the form with the following documents: the original and photocopy of current (1) Registration Certificate (2) Certificate of Fitness (3) Insurance Certificate/Cover Note (d) Proof of address (4) A copy of owner(s) Identification (Driver’s Licence/National Identification/Passport) (5) owner’s Taxpayer Registration Number (TRN), (6) Original Road Licence and (7) Police Certificate (Police Record)
• Pay a processing fee at the tax office and take the receipt to the examination depot in the respective parish
• Upon approval, signalling that all the requirements have been met, the required licensing fee should be paid

Public Passenger Vehicle Categories:
1. Route Taxi – this is a vehicle that is licensed to operate on a designated route, seats no more than 10 passengers at a time, and may stop to pick up or drop off passengers along the route. These taxis must have, among other things, ‘route taxi’ and the particulars relating to the route legibly printed on the outside of the front doors. The applicant is currently required to pay $25,000 (subject to revision) for this licence.

2. Hackney Carriage – this is a vehicle that is for hire and carries no more than three persons – who should be travelling together – at a time. These operators are not allowed to use bus stops or terminals, as these are designated for other types of vehicle operators. The applicant is currently required to pay $25, 000 (subject to revision) for this licence.

3. Stage Carriage – this vehicle is licensed to carry passengers who pay separately, and is only allowed to drop them off along the designated route. The vehicle must have seats to accommodate no fewer than 11 passengers. All stage carriages must display at the front and rear of the vehicle the origin and destination of the route for which it is licensed. The person who is the holder of a licence to use their vehicle as a stage carriage may also use it as a contract or an express carriage. This category of licence is further subdivided and has additional requirements. To view same please visit http://ta.org.jm/faq.

4. Express Carriage – this vehicle is hired by passengers for a journey from multiple points (specified in advance) to one or more destinations. Passengers pay separate fares. This vehicle must have seating for no fewer than 11 passengers. The applicant is currently required to pay $120, 000 (subject to revision) when applying for a new Express Carriage licence.

5. Contract Carriage – this vehicle is hired on a contractual basis at an agreed rate or sum, is not allowed to carry general members of the public, and may only use designated roads or places as points for soliciting or taking up passengers. The applicant is currently required to pay $16, 600 (subject to revision) for a new Contract Carriage licence.

For information on available routes contact the Transport Authority’s Research and Statistics Department at 876-926-8912 ext. 2010/2046.

For Additional Information Contact:
Transport Authority
119 Maxfield Avenue
Kingston 10
Telephone: 876-926-8912
Email: info@ta.org.jm
Website: www.ta.org.jm

Last Updated: May 31, 2019

Jamaica Information Service