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Trade Winds Limited Donates $600,000 To Linstead Hospital

By: , February 10, 2018

The Key Point:

The Linstead Hospital in St. Catherine has received a donation of $600,000 from Trade Winds Citrus Limited, which the company raised from its last Tru-Juice “Run for Your Cause” 5K road race.
Trade Winds Limited Donates $600,000 To Linstead Hospital
Photo: Senior Medical Officer at the Linstead Hospital in St. Catherine, Dr. Clive Thomas left), displays a symbolic cheque in the sum of $600,000 that was presented Chief Executive Officer of Trade Winds Citrus Limited, Peter McConnell Jr. 2nd left), during a ceremony at the institution on February 6. The funds were raised at the company’s last TruJuice “Run for Your Cause” 5K road race. Others participating include the institution’s Chief Executive Officer, Camille WallenPanton centre); Acting Director of Nursing Services, Vivette Lawrence 2nd right), and Acting Deputy Director of Nursing Services, Claudine Douglas.
Senior Medical Officer at the Linstead Hospital in St. Catherine, Dr. Clive Thomas (left), displays a symbolic cheque in the sum of $600,000 that was presented by Chief Executive Officer of Trade Winds Citrus Limited, Peter McConnell Jr. (2nd left), during a ceremony at the institution on February 6. The funds were raised at the company’s last Tru-Juice “Run for Your Cause” 5K road race. Others participating include: the institution’s Chief Executive Officer, Camille Wallen-Panton (centre); Acting Director of Nursing Services, Vivette Lawrence (2nd right), and Acting Deputy Director of Nursing Services, Claudine Douglas.

The Facts

  • Health Minister, Dr. Hon. Christopher Tufton, who welcomed the gesture, said healthcare should be treated as a community undertaking that is fully supported by the citizens and other stakeholders, adding that Trade Winds, which operates in and around the area, has demonstrated this.
  • The hospital’s Chief Executive Officer, Camille Wallen-Panton, said the funds will be used to purchase equipment, and encouraged Trade Winds, and other private sector stakeholders to maintain and forge partnerships with the institution, as this would redound to the long-term benefit of the wider Linstead community.

The Full Story

The Linstead Hospital in St. Catherine has received a donation of $600,000 from Trade Winds Citrus Limited, which the company raised from its last Tru-Juice “Run for Your Cause” 5K road race.

Health Minister, Dr. Hon. Christopher Tufton, who welcomed the gesture, said healthcare should be treated as a community undertaking that is fully supported by the citizens and other stakeholders, adding that Trade Winds, which operates in and around the area, has demonstrated this.

“It is the perfect type of arrangement that we want, and we encourage it. I participated in the run, it was good for me, it was good for those who participated and, clearly, the patients will benefit,” he said.

The Minister was speaking with JIS News at the hospital on February 6, following the presentation by Trade Winds.

The hospital’s Chief Executive Officer, Camille Wallen-Panton, said the funds will be used to purchase equipment, and encouraged Trade Winds, and other private sector stakeholders to maintain and forge partnerships with the institution, as this would redound to the long-term benefit of the wider Linstead community.

Senior Medical Officer, Dr. Clive Thomas, said the donation will enable the hospital to further boost healthcare service delivery.

Meanwhile, Trade Winds Chief Executive Officer, Peter McConnell Jr., said the hospital has been benefitting from the 5K Run’s proceeds for the past three of the four years that the event has been staged, and assured that this gesture will continue.

“We are a business in the area, our employees need the hospital, the community needs the hospital, and (the donation to the hospital) is just the right thing to do,” he told JIS News.

The race, which is staged on the first Sunday in June, is organized by Running Events Limited.

Health Minister, Dr. Hon. Christopher Tufton (2nd left), looks on as Chief Executive Officer of Trade Winds Citrus Limited in St. Catherine, Peter McConnell Jr. (2nd right) signs a symbolic cheque in the sum of $600,000 for the Linstead Hospital in the parish. The occasion was a presentation ceremony at the institution on February 6. The funds were raised at the company’s last Tru-Juice “Run for Your Cause” 5K road race. Others (from left) are: Chief Executive Officer, National Heath Fund, Everton Anderson; Member of Parliament for North West St. Catherine where the hospital is located, Robert Pickersgill; and Senior Medical Officer at the hospital, Dr. Clive Thomas.
Last Updated: February 11, 2018

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